From the Management Team

What a wonderful start it has been to the year so far! 


There has been a strong sense of positivity amongst the staff and students as we begin the year without the interruptions and impact that recent years have had. 

It has been exciting to get to work closely with our new staff during their induction to the College and I am genuinely excited by the skillsets they bring, the fresh eyes they use and the positivity they ooze. If your child is being taught by one of our new staff, we hope you take the time to get to know them throughout this year and continue to extend our warm sense of community and respect their way.


I want to wish all new students and families a very warm welcome to our community, and I do hope your start has been smooth. We hope the information you have received about logging into TASS and Canvas has been helpful and that you are managing to navigate the two systems well. These platforms, along with this publication and regular emails serve as our primary communication tools. Of course, we are also just a phone call away should you need support.


As usual, there have been building upgrades throughout the holidays with the inside of the campus painted and refreshed as well as a full refurbishment of the mall staircase, now in a more contemporary colour palate, and the seating area upgraded with Endeavour Way coloured cushions. We are thankful to our property team for all they have done to make sure the campus has been ready for a sharp start to the school year.


By now you may have heard from your child about a greater emphasis on our Mobile Phone policy. While Endeavour has had a firm policy around students not bringing their phones to class, there have been inconsistencies around how this has been realised. We continue to recognise phones as a potential source to aid learning and allow teacher discretion of their use. But we also acknowledge them as a powerful distractor to learning and, as such, insist that students keep their phones in their lockers during all classes, unless instructed by their teacher to collect them for a learning activity. Staff will be holding a firm position throughout this year as students build new habits. We encourage all students to use their school-issued lock to keep their belongings safe.


Please be reminded to take great care when dropping off and picking up your child. Kiss and drop becomes very busy at 3:15pm, so please consider staggering your time of pick up or ask your child to walk a short distance for a faster pick up in the Mawson Lakes shopping precinct or UniSA car park. The City of Salisbury will continue to monitor parking around our campus, so please make sure where you are parking is lawful.


As I continue to serve the College community in the Acting Principal position, I am thankful for the support of our College Board and, of course, the overwhelming support I continue to receive from staff and parents. The Endeavour community is one that I love and have grown with throughout my six years at the College. In our twenty fifth year celebration, I feel very privileged to be able to build on the legacy I have been gifted. I hope you feel the same way.


Finally, I offer this prayer for the year. May your child’s year be one filled with growth and that each of us develop in our capacity to live out of values of Love, Courage, Forgiveness and Hope.


Peter Pearse

Acting Principal


1 Corinthians 3:10

According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it.