Junior School 

Years 7 to 9

It’s a pleasure to say that the 2023 school year has started extremely well for Junior School. 


Our new Year 7s have shown great positivity and resilience this week in their transition to the College.  They have participated enthusiastically in a wide range of activities in Welcome Week, from learning about emotional regulation strategies with the Wellbeing Team to a whole year level sports session; from a School Orientation Hunt to a long, but essential workshop, on setting up their devices. What has made it so much easier for their teachers is that the Yr 7 students are so well prepared and ready to learn.   We know how much there is to get organised before the start of school, so we thank you for your support in ensuring your child had the correct device, equipment and uniform.  We will finish Welcome Week with our excursion to Funfields on Friday. Although it may be a little colder than we would like, we don’t think spirits will be dampened on this opportunity to have fun and relax with new-found friends and classmates.  After a much needed restful weekend, we know that the Yr 7s will be ready to begin their regular classes with their subject teachers.


We hope to see many of our new parents at the Yr 7 Parent Information Evening on Monday 6th February.  This is an opportunity to meet key Yr 7 staff, learn more about what your child will experience this year and ask questions.   Information has been emailed home to all Yr 7 parents and carers, so please check your inbox for details.  In the meantime, if you need to speak to someone regarding your child, we encourage you to contact one of the Year 7 Level Leaders:


Ashley Bishop ashley.bishop@education.vic.gov.au


Richard Palmer richard.palmer@education.vic.gov.au


Our Year 8s and 9s returned to school yesterday with confidence.   After meeting their new Year Level Leaders and receiving organisational information in an assembly, they were quickly back in the classroom and making a start on this year’s learning.  To their credit, it was a great follow on from Step Up last year.  Lockers were distributed a little differently than in previous years with more responsibility placed on our Year 8 & 9 students, and it was a responsibility they embraced well.  We welcome our new students in these year levels and wish them well at Gisborne Secondary College.  If you need to speak to someone regarding your child, key contacts for Year 8 and 9 are:


Nadine Clarke (Yr 8 Level Leader) nadine.clarke@education.vic.gov.au


Kelly Hall (Yr 9 Level Leader) kelly.hall2@education.vic.gov.au