Principals Report

- Sarah Rose, Principal

Welcome back to the College for the 2023 school year, and a very special welcome to our new students commencing secondary school as a year 7 student or joining our school in the higher year levels.  We also welcome a number of new staff to the College this year in teaching and education support roles.  We’re excited to have you all as part of our college community.


A very warm welcome is extended to:

Anne McSweeney (English)  Chris Wilson (Technology) 
James Mifsud (Technology/Arts) Michael Portley (Arts)
Nathaniel Alexopolous (Health/PE) Simon Phillips (English)
Tara Moore (Art)  Dominic Tyley-Miller (Technology) 
Jason DeAraugo (Humanities)  Adrian Barry (VET B&C)
Tracey Phillips (Art)Kirsty Warren (Mental Health Practitioner)
Louise Kelly (Inclusion)Sarah Buerckner (Inclusion)
Erin Kubel (Numeracy) 

The year has commenced with positive energy and two dedicated days of staff planning to ensure that we’re set-up for success.  On Tuesday our Year 7 and Year 12 students commenced with the former immersed in ‘welcome week’ to settle into life at secondary school, and the latter heading off to Apollo23 Camp from Wednesday to Friday.

On Wednesday students in years 8 to 11 commenced classes and it was wonderful to see and hear our campus full of activity again.


Prior to students returning I sent a letter home to families outlining some important information about school uniform, mobile phone use, attendance and the School Wide Positive Behaviour initiative.  If you missed the email, you can access the letter from the link below.  The importance of staff, students and families working in partnership cannot be understated as the benefits to student success when this occurs are significant.


In our final newsletter of 2022, we provided an update on the Capital Works Program.  We were expecting some of the works to commence over the summer break, but unfortunately this didn’t eventuate.  We hope to provide an update on activity and plans and how this might affect movement in and around the school in our next newsletter.


There’s a lot of activity planned and already underway this term from sports teams, production preparation, excursions and camps and of course our main student photo day next Thursday, 9th February.  I wish everyone a wonderful start to the school year that will set the tone for a successful and happy year for all.


Finally, please enjoy the first edition of the newsletter for the year.  The school newsletter is distributed electronically every 3 weeks on a Thursday via an email which contains a direct link to the newsletter document. It is also available on our school website.  This is the most important form of communication issued from the school and we ask you to contact the school by phone if you either do not have a valid email address or if you don’t receive the email containing the newsletter link. 


Sarah Rose, Principal