Inside the Classroom


We have added a new class into Primary for 2023. There are now 6 classes to support our K-6 students. There have been some changes to the information given out at the end of last year.

Class 5 – (Teacher) Mrs Sheryll Selwood, (SLSOs) Mrs Emma Jeffery and Mr Joey Almond

Class 6 – (Teachers) Mrs Billie-Jo Rutten, Mrs Liz Edwards and Mrs Cathy Bradbury, (SLSO) Miss Mia Rowland

Class 10 – (Teacher) Ms Kellie Scurrah (SLSOs) Mr Dion Corby, Ms Tahnia Seers and Mrs Nel Weekes

Class 11 – (Teacher) Mrs Sally Hodges (SLSO) Mrs Donna McKellar

Class 12 – (Teacher) Mrs Nikki McCallum (SLSO) Miss Payton Priest and Ms Taylor Collins 

Class 13 – (Teachers) Mrs Kari Priest and Mrs Erin Fischer (SLSOs) Mrs Jodi Wood and Ms Taylor Collins

We have welcomed 4 Kindy students this year who are settling in well to school life. There have also been a number of new students in different year groups who are making a successful transition to Anson Street School. We look forward to working with all our students and their families.

This week saw the start of swim school for many Primary students. There has been a lot of progress already and this will be great practice in the lead-up to the swimming carnival in a few weeks.

Kari Priest

Assistant Principal

Stage 4 

Stage 4 have had a wonderful start to the year. We welcome some new faces into our Year 7 cohort and students are to be congratulated on how well they have settled into their new environment. Students have been busily completing assessment tasks for their teachers and we hope to have our Maths and English groups up and running next week. Mandatory Subjects will also be starting next week, make sure to ask them how their lessons went with their specialist teachers:  Mrs Callaway - Mandatory Technology, Mrs Mortimer – Science and Mrs Sharpe – Geography.

Class 16 have had a great start back at school for 2023. We have been learning about each other & discovered that we have similar interests. We have also learnt about the  different Zones of Regulation & what we can do when we feel heightened &/or sad. We had Mrs Lloyd visit us & show us some new IT skills that we are excited to start using in class activities. 


Cassie Lloyd

Assistant Principal

Stage 5 

Stage 5 have hit the ground running this year, with lots of exciting learning happening in all classrooms. Curiosity Clubs kicked off this week with students exploring either Design and Technology, International Studies, iStem or Physical Activity or Sports Studies (PASS). We look forward to sharing some of their awesome projects with you in the coming weeks.




Introducing Class 8

Class 8 this year is being taught by Ms Lyons and supported by Miss Georgie. The year 10 group of students include Alex, Bodhi, Evelyn, Leilani. Sonja, Sophie and Tyler. 

They have been working on some amazing creative writing tasks as part of their English studies. They were challenged to write a text of their choice using words from their spelling test. Alex’s narrative was inspired by the song ‘Greatest Show Unearthed’ and explores the adventures of supernatural carnival. Tyler has tapped into his love of music and has written a song ‘Forest Of Your Fairytale’.


The Forest of Your Fairy Tale

What Could all go wrong

The Forest of Your Fairy Tale

The Dream That Takes So Long

The Forest of Your Fairy Tale

What have I undergone

The Forest of Your Fairy Tale

Was This The Part Where I Came From


The Forest of Ur Fairy tale

What Could All wrong

The Forest Of Your Fairy Tale

The Dream That Takes So Long 

All Nightmare Long In My Fairy Tale

All Nightmare Long ‘

In My Fairy Tale All Nightmare Long

In My Fairy Tale All Nightmare Long in My Fairy Tale



The class is also running a ‘Behind The News’ trivia, where they score points for answering questions based on this weeks hot news topics. The odds are in Tyler’s favour for a win this week.

Elke Cunial

Assistant Principal


Stage 6 

Welcome back to all the stage 6 students. Year 11 students have been excited to join the stage 6 cohort as a senior student at Anson Street School. Over the past 2 weeks students have enjoyed getting to know their new teachers and staff across the stage, catch up with their friends and explore the stage 6 space and the Senior Space. Students have enjoyed playing table tennis,  lawn games, cards games, listening to music, dancing and chatting with friends in the Senior Space each lunch break. Stage 6 students have been busy in classroom following their new timetable and routines, enjoying sport this week and visiting the farm.

Stage 6 students attended the Leaders Induction Assembly on Tuesday and all displayed great enthusiasm and support for their peers receiving badges. 

Work experience and TAFE start back next week (week 4) for students in year 11 and 12. 


Jess Hodder 

Assistant Principal 



What a great start to 2023.

Welcome back to your returning students and a huge welcome to our new students on the Campus. All are settling in well to the routine of school.


This term we have 4 classes on the Campus:

Class 17 – Ms Rebecca Edwards and Ms Vicki Hill 

Class 19 - Mrs Julianne Hargraves and Mrs Suzie Grant/Ms Mel Konjetic

Class 20 – Mr Hugh Rasmussen and Ms Krissie Lee Cartwright

Class 21 – Mrs Kate Griffen and Ms Bobbie-Joe Broome


A huge welcome to Ms Bek Regan who joins our team every Wednesday for Relief from Face to Face (RFF). 

We have already seen some great connections amongst our students as well as some high-quality learning. Classes 17 and 19 have dived straight into the novel “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe” and Class 21 is investigating forces in Science – already solving the mystery of magnets. 


The gardens and playground are beautiful and we are enjoying the sunshine during break times. 

Some great teamwork, encouragement, and participation were on display this week as we started Functional Fitness for Sport this week.

We are looking forward to a great term filled with learning, laughter, kindness, and fun!


Kate Griffen 

Head Teacher Campus