Positive Education @ Anson

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)

Positive Behaviour for Learning is actively practised by all students and staff at Anson Street School and maintains a safe, productive and positive environment for all members of the school community.


PBL is based on a school-wide set of expectations which apply across the school in every setting.

  • Be Respectful
  • Be Responsible
  • Be Safe

These expectations have been developed for each school setting.  They define our expectations for behaviour. Explicit lessons are designed and taught to all classes throughout the year. Expectations are clear and displayed prominently around the school. The PBL team analyses incident data and develops a focus behaviour for the students to improve on. The focus is displayed on the digital board at the front of the school.


We have ordered PBL pillars which will be mounted at the entrances of our school on both sides as a visual reminder of our expectations. 


Julie Hudson

PBL Coordinator & Deputy Principal

Positive Wellbeing for Learning (PWL)

Positive Wellbeing for Learning focuses on the principles of positive education and guides the explicit teaching of our school Character Pillars Kindness, Curiosity, Gratitude and Hope. Developing these character strengths in our students prepares then to be great learners and contributors to our community.



Each term this year our classes will be focusing on one of our school character pillars. Term one we are focusing in on KINDNESS and how we can all show kindness in our words and actions every day.

 Classes will be working together to be the class with the most kindness awards to win a class pizza party.  Throughout the term students will be bringing home ideas for sharing kindness with their families and friends outside of school. At the end of the term, we will be celebrating a wonderful term of spreading kindness with a whole school celebration day.


Jenny Rosser

Deputy Principal