What are the students doing? 

Que font les élèves?

What's happening in the specialist classes?


Prep Foundation were studying Gustav Klimt’s “Tree of Life” painting to inspire a new tree that filled the space of their page. They loved using metallic markers to add small details and enhance their design.


Year 1/2 students studied Piet Mondrian’s early works of his abstract trees and cubism. Students were asked to design an abstract tree with ink and fill in the spaces using their knowledge of warm and cool colours with oil pastel.


Year 3 students studied Australian artist Pete Cromer’s collages. They were inspired to design their own animal, cutting and layering painted papers to make beautiful birds and animals.


Year 6 students were asked to spend their last term working on a 2-dimensional passion project. They could explore themes and images that inspired them and make a work that they felt proud for the final term in art.

Our students leaders chatted with the preps / Les capitaines de l'école discutent avec les élèves de Grande Section