
Celebration Night

Last Wednesday, 7th December, we held our 2022 Celebration Night at the Door of Hope. This was an opportunity to formally farewell and congratulate our Year 12 graduands.

We thank our LCS community including our parents, grandparents, friends, Board Members, staff and students for their support and attendance.


We are blessed by some wonderful businesses, community organisations and members of Parliament who again this year have generously supported our students by way of donations towards our End of Year Awards.


Congratulations to all those who were recipients of one of these awards.

Top 101 Tasmanian Tertiary Entrance Score

Congratulations to all our Year 11 and 12 students for their achievements this year. All our Year 12 students did a wonderful job this year, with excellent ATAR scores and Tasmanian Certificate of Education attainment. We would like to particularly recognise Nelson Buist, Darcy Barker and David Brain, whose results were in the top 101 students in the State. Well done!

UTAS Science Experience

In week 7, a group of Year 9 participated in the UTAS Science Experience – a three-day hands-on science program run by the University of Tasmania for students in Year 9 and 10. Students were able to partake in a variety of practical activities, giving them a taster of a variety of scientific disciplines. On the first day, students had the opportunity to participate in fields such as nursing, zoology, chemistry – including fire chemistry, and some even got to use the Australian Maritime College (AMC) ship simulator. On the second day, participants went on a tour of the Australian Maritime College (AMC), and later partook in subjects such as entomology and agricultural sciences. On the last day, students took part in activities such as laboratory medicine, indigenous sciences, exercise physiology, human interface technology (HIT), and some also went to Inveresk to learn about nutrition and the community garden there. By experiencing all of these different subjects, we got to do some pretty awesome things, such as bug pinning in entomology, dye making in chemistry, skull identification in zoology and we even got to play around with virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) in the HIT labs. We found that the science experience was so eye opening to the future pathways that could be pursued. It was such an amazing opportunity and a really valuable experience. We can’t wait to go again next year!


- Esther Sharpe and Elizabeth Sexton

Year 9 Legal Studies and English Extension Hobart Excursion

Students enjoyed visiting significant sites studied as part of extension subjects offered at LCS.


Where laws are made,  and trial verdicts decided was the focus of the Legal tours.  We met the Deputy Premier and participated in a Parliamentary role play. From here we toured the Old Hobart Penitentiary that was the site of religious worship and the Supreme and Magistrate's court until 1960s. Of note was the contrasting attempts to reform prisoners - from preaching grace and forgiveness to harsh punishments like solitary confinement and the gallows. The facility was in use between 1821 to 1983. 


English students enjoyed a stroll through Battery point and Princes Park, engaging with the environment and spending sometime writing. After some lunch, we visited TMAG to consider the rich storytelling culture we have here in Tasmania. Each was able to see the setting of stories studied and gain some inspiration from the celebrated beautiful waterfront. 


The excursion was a fantastic way for us to learn while immersed in real places and culture.  

St Johns First Aid

On the 1st of December, the Year 8’s were visited by St John Ambulance to learn the basics of First Aid as a part of the Year 8 Health course. They focussed on responding in an emergency, CPR and basic bandaging.


Mrs Boyle

Head of Health and Science

Junior School Athletics Carnival

We were blessed with glorious weather for our twice postponed Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 30th November. The spirit of sportsmanship , participation and community was wonderful to see. Thank you to Mr. Narkowicz for organising the carnival events, and for the many parents and helpers who gave their time and support on the day. It is a highlight of the Term 4 calendar for so many of our students. 


The increasing size of our Junior School, and other contributing  factors, has led to a decision that our Athletics and Swimming  carnivals will  to be limited to Year 3-6 students. We have adjusted the Early Childhood water fun and athletics  events to cater for the students in Kinder,  Prep to Year 2. 


Congratulations to Melaleuca for being the winning house at this year’s Athletics Carnival. 


Congratulations also to the following Year level champions:


Year 3: Hazel Vandenberg and Darcy Moore

Year 4: Lucee Niebuur and Eli Locke

Year 5: Arizona Stokes and Henry Midson

Year 6: Heidi Luck and Charlie Peters

2023 LCS Uniform Order

Uniform Shop

2023 New parent sale day - January 25th 2023

By appointment only, please contact Anne at 0400573902 


Infectious Illnesses update

Student Bus Travel Expectations

Note for the office



Communication regarding a student’s absence needs to come via the school office. This information will then be passed on to the student’s teachers. Parents are asked where possible to telephone the school or email the office in advance when a student will be absent.  If you subscribe to the mobile app, The Hub you can also lodge an electronic absentee form which will reach the office immediately.  The school telephone number is (03) 6327 2854 and email is


Students who are late must sign in at the school office.  Students will be issued a ‘late pass’ that must be presented to their teacher.  Students who sign in ‘late’ must have a note of explanation from home.   Three unexplained late arrivals will result in a detention.


Yr11/12 students that have a study period in the morning and do not attend Class Teacher must sign in at the office as soon as they arrive at school, if students have not signed in whole day absences will be on their record. Yr 11/12 students may leave the school grounds during study periods, however they are required to sign out and back in at the office.  This is important, particularly in the case of an emergency, so students can be accounted for by the staff and emergency services.


Written permission is required to leave the school grounds during school hours (except Year 11 & 12).  Students are to meet parents at the office. All students must use the sign out folder at the student counter in the main office.  When students return to school, they should report to the student counter in the main office and sign in.  


If families intend to be absent from school due to extended holidays (3 days or more), parents need to fill out in advance an Application for Extended Leave for Travel form, found under the Parents and Students/Downloads & Policies tab on our website: see Extended Leave Policy on next pages)




Should your child need to take prescribed medication at school please inform the school office.  All medication, both prescription and over the counter medication, needs to be in original packaging and labelled with clear dosage instructions (prescription medication needs dosage instructions from a registered medical practitioner) and must be administered at the school office and students are not permitted to carry medication at school. Medical forms are sent home at the beginning of each school year and parents are able to indicate whether they give permission for paracetamol to be administered if required.




Students who are not in correct uniform, wrong jacket or coloured socks etc must get a uniform pass from the office.  A note of explanation should be provided by parents.  Three uniform non compliances, without parent explanation, will result in a detention.

Parking Policy