Co-curricular - Senior Sport

ISA Representatives
Congratulations to the following students on their selection in the ISA Representative Cricket Squad for 2023:
- William Allen (Year 10)
- Alexander Au-Yeung (Year 10)
- Josh Malone (Year 10)
- Jack Roberts (Year 11)
- Cooper Edwards (Year 12)
Annual House Swimming Carnival
The Secondary House and Age Championships will take place next Thursday, 16 February at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre (SOPAC). This is a normal school day, and all students are expected to attend, irrespective of their swimming capabilities. If for some reason, i.e., medical, a boy cannot participate, a letter should be forwarded to me. I kindly ask that all parents, carers and boys read the House Swimming Carnival letter which was emailed earlier this week.
Anthony Calavassy
Head of Secondary Sport