
2022 Senior School Winter Sport and Cultural Co-curricular Photos: Ordering Online – Shoot Key
I write to inform the College community that the 2022 Senior School Winter Sports and Cultural Co-curricular photos have been made available to St Patrick’s College. In doing so I would like to apologise for the delay and any inconvenience this may have caused families, particularly those associated with the 2022 graduating class.
Below, parents/carers will a find an access key, ordering instructions and relevant information relating to the 2022 Senior School Winter Sports and Cultural Co-curricular photos.
Parents/carers can use the new ‘Grid View’ to see all group photos on one screen. There is also a new ‘Favourites’ feature which allows parents/carers to click the heart in the top right corner of a photo. When they click on the ‘Show Favourites’ tab, only the photos which have the heart icon highlighted will appear.
To purchase photos, please visit the following website and enter the appropriate order key/s listed below:
Key | Code |
Junior Sports access key | NQ3XCNCG |
Senior Winter Sports access key | QX24XJH8 |
Cultural Co-curricular access key | X8L3L2KY |
- Group Photos are $12.00 each
- Orders will be sent to parents/carers directly, not to the College and will incur one postage charge per order.
Parents/carers are advised that if they are experiencing any difficulty in ordering they can ring the Parent Hotline on 1300 084 586 for advice.
McGlade Library Homework Club Re-opens
I am pleased to advise parents/carers and boys that the re-opening date of Homework Club in the McGlade Library has been brought forward to today, Wednesday 8 February. Homework Club will be available to students from 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM Monday to Friday. Homework Club will provide an environment that is quiet and supervised by staff members and is available to assist the boys with developing good study habits, techniques, timetables and the like.
Students will be expected to sign-in and sign-out at the commencement and conclusion of their homework session and are not compelled to stay for the full duration of the above-mentioned time. They should however make their parents/carers aware as to what period of time they will be using this facility in order to arrange travel home.
Those students availing themselves of this service are encouraged to bring some snacks and refreshments which they can consume between 3:10 PM and 3:30 PM. Please note that the McGlade library will cater to a maximum of 60 boys any afternoon.
Clearly, there will be expectations placed on those attending these after school Homework Club sessions, not least of all; students are not to use their devices to play games and they are to remain on task and respect the privacy of others by working quietly.
The College is hopeful that families will benefit from this service. Any queries in relation to this matter should be directed to me in the first instance. Please note that Homework Club will not take place on Friday 10 and Thursday 16 February due to the Opening Mass and Senior School Swimming Carnival being on that day. Homework Club will shut down for the Term 1 holidays on Tuesday 4 April.
Seniors School Summer Sports Photos
Parents and boys are advised that in order to limit the number of clashes with classroom learning time, the College will trial having the Senior School Summer Sports photos taken after school this year. In essence, boys in the 13s and 14s who play Basketball, Cricket and Baseball will have their photos taken on Wednesday 15 February from 3:15 PM until 4:45 PM. House Prefects will also have their photo taken at this time.
Boys in the 15s, 16s and Opens who play Basketball, Cricket and Baseball along with the Swimming Squad will have their photos taken on Tuesday 21 February from 3:15 PM until 4:45 PM.
Clearly, the intent is to have photos taken on an afternoon that teams ordinarily train. That said, it is not possible to accommodate all teams/squads on their preferred dates. Further details will be distributed to parents/carers and boys in the coming weeks.
Steven Fochesato
Director of Co-curricular