Parents and Friends

Welcome Back
Welcome back to another school year at the College and Happy New Year to one and all. We trust everyone had a restful break with their family and friends.
As we begin 2023, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new Year 5 cohort and their parents as they begin their journey at the College.
In keeping with tradition, the Year 5 Family Welcome Dinner will be held on Friday 24 February, 2023. Dinner will be held in the school Gymnasium following the Welcome Mass. Dinner will be served from 6:30 PM. Year 5 parents can purchase tickets via the following link.
Parent Representatives
As you may be aware, all year groups have a Parent Representative or two to help coordinate various social events throughout the year. Our social functions within the year group would not occur without the assistance and commitment of our Parent Representatives.
As we commence the new year, we invite anyone who is interested in taking on this role for their child’s year group, particularly parents/carers from Year 5.
If you are interested, or you would like more information on the details of the role, please email us on:
Have a great week.
Parents and Friends