School Council News

2020 School Fees

The 2020 School Fees were sent out to Parents via COMPASS of student in Grade 1 to 6 on Friday 22nd November. Fees for Prep 2020 children will be given out on Monday 9th December at the Prep Information Session. Fees are payable via COMPASS and are due by 31st January 2020.

Working Bee

On Sunday the 17th November we held our last Working Bee for the year.  We had a small but hard working band of volunteers who weeded all the gardens, moved soil in to the new garden area (near the Shishi Gate) and painted the newly constructed garden edges – the garden is really beginning to take shape now.  Plants will be planted in the new year to complete this project, please look out for the call for volunteers to assist.

I would like to thank the following people for their work at the Working Bee: Ali Ross, Camilla Britton, Glenn Perry, Helena Watkins, Jeremy Vile Mark Scatera, Martin Dunton, Sara Deacon and Susan Long.

Curriculum Days 2020

At the last School Council meeting the Curriculum Days for 2020 were set as Tuesday 28th January, Wednesday 29th January, Tuesday 10th March and Friday 5th June.

School Council Meetings

The dates and times of the next School Council and Committee meetings are as follows:

Traffic Working Party:    Tuesday 26th November – 6.30pm

Parent Association:         Wednesday 4th December - 9.10am (Staffroom)

Finance:                               Tuesday 10th December – 5.45pm

School Council:                 Monday 16th December – 7.30pm

Parent Support

As we approach the end of another school year, we will again be seeking parents support and involvement for 2020.

There are a number of ways for parents to get involved in the school community -  The first one  involves School Council which predominantly sets the schools direction, and meets monthly.

There is also the Parents' Association which provides support to the students and community, including fundraising for the school.

In 2020, we will also be seeking parent support for our biggest fundraiser in the schools calendar, the Spring Fair, which will be held in November 2020.

Key functions of School Council

The school council has particular functions in setting and monitoring the school’s direction.

School Council have three main responsibilities:

  • finance: overseeing the development of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation
  • strategic planning: participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan
  • policy development and review: developing, reviewing and updating policies that reflect a school’s values and support the school’s broad direction outlined in its strategic plan.

Other functions of School Council include:

  • raising funds for school related purposes
  • maintaining school grounds and facilities
  • entering into contracts
  • reporting annually to the school community and the Department
  • creating interest in the school in the wider community
  • representing and taking the views of the community into account
  • regulating and facilitating after-hours use of school premises and grounds

Parents' Association

The role of a Parents' Association is threefold:

  • to provide support, in various forms, for the school, its students and community, including  raising funds for the benefit of the school
  • to work in cooperation with the principal, staff and school council in building effective partnerships between home and school
  • to encourage diversity by getting to know the parents of other children at the school, and to support the operation of the school.

If you require more information, I would be more than happy to discuss with you further.

Jim Giannopoulos