Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Well, we only have 4 weeks left after this week. How time has flown. We have decided the class structure for 2021 which will be Prep, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5/6 composites. This is purely based on the number of children enrolled at each year level, ensuring a manageable number of children in each class. These will be led by a Year Prep, Year 1/2, Year 3/4 and a Year 5/6 Team Leader. Our specialist subjects will remain the same with PE, Art and Science taught at each year level, LOTE (Chinese) from Years 1 – 6 and Music in Year Prep.
Prep 2021 Orientation: Next week we can start to welcome small groups of our 2021 Preps on-site. This will look very different to previous years but we are very happy to be able to have the children visit us before the end of the year.
Year 7 Orientation: We have also had word that our year 6s will be able to participate in a modified Orientation Program at the secondary school they will go to next year – which is great news. We don’t know exact details as yet, but as soon as they are available we will let you know.
Tender for Student Counselling Services: We are currently seeking the services of an organisation that can support some of our students with counselling services. If this is something you are interested in or know someone who may be, please find details available on the school’s website.
Respectful Interactions: We have worked hard over a number of years to build a respectful and united community. This requires everyone to treat each other with courtesy and respect, including during pick-up and drop-off times. I have attached a copy of our Statement of Values and School Philosophy for your reference. If you have any questions or concerns about this document please make an appointment to speak with me through the office.
Speaking to Other Children: At times I know some parents feel the need to talk to a child who may be upsetting their own child, with the intention of helping to ease the situation. This is NOT an acceptable practice at any school, including Melton West PS. If you have any concerns about another child, please ensure you speak to your child’s teacher who can follow up and address the situation. It can be very frightening for a child to feel they are getting reprimanded by an adult other than their parent or a teacher. If you have any concerns or feel the situation is not being resolved with the class teacher, please make an appointment to see Mrs O’Connor P-2 Assistant Principal, Mrs Kathy Cvitkovic 3-6 Assistant Principal or myself. We are committed to working together to resolve all issues brought to our attention.
Discord App: It has come to my attention that an App called Discord allows for interactions between people, usually around online gaming. Please be aware, as with most social media, the age children should be accessing these sorts of things is 13 years old. Please chat to your child if you have any questions or visit the eSafety website for further information
Parking in Neighbours Driveways: Please be aware that it is not okay to park in our neighbours driveways at any time, even if it for a short time to drop off your child. Our neighbours need to be able to access their properties whenever they need to and some are finding it difficult to get to work on time due to cars parked in their driveway or blocking their driveway entrance. Please show them the courtesy you would expect if you lived in close proximity to a school.
Parking: Please be mindful of the safety implications when parking around the school. Too many times I have witnessed or heard about near misses, including using the bin area to turn around or drop children off. I also have noticed people stop outside the front of the school, in the middle of the road, to drop a child off, then wait while they enter the door. This holds up the traffic behind them or forces them to overtake the stationary vehicle. Please remember as adults we are role models in every way to our children, who are watching and learning from us. When they see bad habits, it is often hard for them to break them when they become old enough. Please do the right thing and keep EVREYONE safe.
High Levels of Learning for All
Michelle Costa