

Communicating with the Foundation Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2020, and welcome your input: 

Holly Peters (Class FA)

Lisa Dam (Class FB)

Holly Peters- Class FA
Lisa Dam- Class FB
Holly Peters- Class FA
Lisa Dam- Class FB

An Overview of Our Learning


Throughout Term 4, the students have become little scientists and have been excitedly investigating the role of a scientist, why science is important in everyday life and how we use science in our daily lives. We have also been discovering that objects are made of materials that have observable properties that can be physically changed or combined with other materials in a variety of ways.

Through a variety of engaging learning activities, we have been investigating the following questions:

  • What is a scientist?
  • Why is science important?
  • How does science relate to my world?
  • What words can I use to describe the properties of materials?
  • What materials are objects made from? Is the object a liquid, solid or gas?

Students have enjoyed the opportunity to:

  • Use their senses to explore the world around them
  • Participate in a variety of experiments including making crystals, coke and mentos explosion, dancing sultanas, naked eggs and blow up a balloon
  • Observe and explore physical and chemical changes
  • Act like scientists by making predictions, posing questions, completing lab reports, observing and recording changes using their senses
  • Communicate and compare their findings and observations with others.

Making crystals


Coke and Mentos Explosion

Naked Egg Experiment

Dancing Sultanas

Blow up a Balloon Experiment




This week we will be sending home decodable readers in the students green wallets.

Please note that in order to do this in a Covid-safe way the structure of take home readers has changed.


Students will be given readers to take home on Monday. They will then be expected to bring those readers back each Friday. Returning the readers on a Friday will give the school’s contract cleaners an opportunity to sanitise the books, ready for safe distribution on the following Monday. Students will not have the readers over the weekend. Please read with your child nightly, making a note in their student diary. 


If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.