Community notices

The White horse 2020 Community Vision - call for young people 

The Whitehorse 2040 Community Vision will outline the desired future for the whole of Whitehorse, beyond just the work of Council. It includes everything that makes up a community: places, spaces, people, celebrations, neighbourhoods, jobs, study, family and friends, health, safety, the environment and more.


We would love to have a strong representative from young people in the area, and therefore have developed a resource for teachers to deliver short, interactive activities with students. This is an opportunity for young people to have their voices heard and learn more about how local government works. 


If you plan on running workshops/activities with students, kindly let me know so I can inform the project team. We would really value feedback from the sessions by 18th December, 2020 (please see resource for more information on how feedback from young people can be recorded).


To learn more about the community vision and how you can get involved, please visit:


We thank you for assisting us to ensure the voices of young people in our community are heard. 


Warm regards  

Zoey Deane

School Focused Youth Services Coordinator (Mon-Thurs)Health and Family Services Department



Stay safe............