Secondary 7/8

Student News
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support - School Expectations.
We have received our order of reinforcement cards for our section. These cards display our school expectations. Until recently, the secondary 7/8 sections has been using a raffle rewards system. Students have been deciding on a focus (eg. making good choices) and classes have been sending students around the section to collect raffle tickets with names of students who have achieved the focus over the week. At the section assembly on Fridays, names are pulled out of the tin and the students are rewarded from the prize box.
With the new system, teachers will be able to give out these new cards to students over the week for any reason that relates to being a learner, safe, responsible or respectful. For example, I may give a “Be Safe” card to a student who has shown they are holding and using a knife safely when preparing their class product for the Heating and Melting Gala. Once a card has been rewarded to a student, these are taken by the student to the Team Leaders office and placed in the tin in preparation for being drawn at the section assembly. Students pulled out of the tin will be able to choose a reward from the Prize Box.
Jane Stacey
Acting Team Leader