GPF News

Girton Parents and Friends - Get involved, join the committee!

The Girton Parents' and Friends' Association is an enthusiastic group that meet once a month during the school year. It  strengthens relationships between staff, parents and students by coordinating social and fundraising activities that benefit all Girton families.

Our most recent contribution was helping  fund the new playground in Junior school, along with seating in the Black box and the purchase of Girton branded marquees.

The main activities for this year will be the Major Raffle and Trivia night with next school fair to be held in 2020.


The GPFA will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, March 12th.  We actively encourage you to attend and perhaps even become a committee member. The committee consists of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and two general committee members. At the AGM, all positions will be made vacant and a committee for 2019 elected.  Meetings are open to all parents and carers. 


Please email  for a nomination form for any member positions or for detailed information about committee member roles.


Paula Saxon

GPF Secretary