Take note

COVID-19 updates

Please continue to check your email for the latest Catholic Education Tasmania and College updates on COVID-19. 

Handwashing songs for students

We'd like to share two handy handwashing songs that are suitable for early Junior School students. Please click the links below to view the YouTube videos at home with your children.

Japanese handwashing song

The Wiggles, The Handwashing Song

Safe driving reminder

We have received serious complaints from members of the public regarding dangerous driving in the school vicinity, particularly in Patrick and Brisbane Streets. 


We remind families to please drive safely and with care for those around you. Please park and drop off children safely, being mindful of both those in your vehicle and also those who may be exiting or entering a vehicle or crossing the road.


Our kiss and drop area on the front of Harrington Street is for quick and seamless parent drop off and pick up. This is a short stop area, designed to accommodate high volume at peak school times and make this efficient for parents and carers.

Kinder enrolments closing soon

Kinder 2021 applications are due Friday 1 May 2020. Places are limited. 


As you may be aware, St Mary's College is no longer accepting Kindergarten applications for boys. As of 2024 St Mary's College will be solely an 'all girls' school from K–12. 


The Kinder program is designed to nurture and provide opportunities to build confidence, independence and the joy of discovery and learning.


For more information about our enrolment process, or if you have any queries, please contact our Enrolment Officer at enrol@smc.tas.edu.au.