Student Leadership Team


Greetings, we proudly introduce ourselves, Abbey McGrath and Vedika Surnam as the 2020 school captains of Evans High school. Being elected as the leaders of the school has truly been the most positive and enlightening experience of our schooling thus far, although daunting at first. From when we did our speech in front of our fellow peers and teachers, we can definitely say that our public speaking skills have immensely improved, due to the opportunities that have been provided to us. 


Our first official duty as captains was to host the graduation ceremony of the 2019 leavers. Although it was sad to bid them farewell, we finally understood the great amount of responsibility that now rests upon us.  Soon after, we were fortunate enough to sit down with the SLT coordinator Ms Kavanagh and the rest of the 2020 leaders and plan the exciting activities that the year will hold. It felt fulfilling and motivating to hear the ideas that the other senior leaders had in mind and we strongly believe that communication is the key to an excellent teamwork.


Furthermore, this term we conducted our very first student leadership workshop, where we organised games and activities to help bond with other members of the SLT. This workshop resulted in a lot of laughs, memories made and beginning of new friendships. The workshop also consisted of an introduction of the new SLT coordinators for next year, Mr Murphy, Mrs Espejel, Mrs Tryhuba and Ms Taufique. It would be definitely be wise to say that the speech given by Mr Murphy, inspired all of us to be the best versions of ourselves and make a position and lasting not only within our school community, but also the wider community.


Our leading initiative to start off our journey began with organising our first fundraiser which was Beanies and Jersey day to raise awareness about brain cancer and organ donation. We raised an impressive amount of $500 from this event. Through this we learnt that when we come together, we can make a change and encourage others to do so as well.


We are delighted to be the 2020 school captains of Evans High School, although it will be  task to balance school and our wonderful leadership team, but we are willing to exceed the expectation and responsibilities ahead of us, as we are dedicated to make a positive difference and make the 2020 leadership team unforgettable.


- Abbey McGrath and Vedika Surnam