Deputy Principals' Reports

  Deputy Principal (Year 7, 9, 11)


Ms Belinda Hunter 

As the 2019 school year draws to a close, I would like to thank all of the students, staff, parents, carers and community members for their continued support. It is very much appreciated, and is reflected in the wide variety of opportunities that we are able to provide our students with. I look forward to continuing these partnerships in 2020 and beyond, and showcasing the wealth of talent that we have here at Evans High School.


Our Year 12 students, the class of 2020, have commenced their HSC studies in a pleasing manner, with many utilising the Homework Centre to access additional support to ensure they are producing work that is a true reflection of their effort and ability. A number of students are already preparing for their HSC exams which will take place in Term 4 2020, by completing past-HSC papers and seeking feedback from their teachers, again striving to produce their best efforts. For students undertaking a subject which requires the completion of a major work, please make sure that you are proactive in your approach, and make sure that you submit all tasks on time. Please refer to your Assessment Handbook which contains an assessment schedule for each subject you are studying. To assist our students in developing effective study routines, we have organised Elevate Education to deliver their ‘Study Sensai’ program on the first day of Term 1, Wednesday 29/1/2020. This program provides valuable information and is designed specifically to support students during their HSC studies. I would like to acknowledge and thank Ms Griffiths and Ms Bautista for all of the support they have provided throughout 2019, and will continue to provide in 2020, as the Year Advisor and Assistant Year Advisor respectively.


This year, Evans High School trialled an alternate timetable structure for Year 12 students, that being a four day week. After evaluating this alternate structure, the four day week will continue for Year 12 students in 2020. To accommodate this alternate structure, Year 12 students will attend school as normal on Monday through to Thursday, with an additional timetabled class on Thursday afternoon (Period 6) which will start at 2.45pm and conclude at 3.45pm. Year 12 students will not have timetabled classes on Fridays, however they will be required to attend school events that take place on Fridays, such as swimming, cross-country and athletics carnivals, careers seminars, as well as other events. Students will be provided with notice of these events, and will be expected to attend. If students would like to utilise this time to complete independent study in the library, complete assessments or major projects, students must sign-in and sign-out at the front office as a visitor.


Students in Year 9 will transition to Year 10 in 2020, continuing with their three elective courses in addition to the core curriculum. I would like to congratulate Year 9, as they have settled into their Stage 5 classes, and are well placed in preparation for Year 10. We are very pleased to be able to offer Commerce as an additional elective class in 2020. Students were provided with information regarding this course earlier this term, however for more information about the course, please speak to Mrs Celeban, Head Teacher-HSIE and collect the relevant paperwork form me. Students must ensure that they are completing all coursework to the best of their ability, and prepare for their senior schooling in Years 11 and 12. Year 10 students will also have the opportunity to undertake Work Experience next year, which may assist students in deciding on an appropriate pathway in the future. Work Experience will be coordinated by Ms Jansen, our Careers Advisor. Year 9 have recently participated in a wellbeing seminar presented by Reach, which was extremely powerful and allowed students the opportunity to self-reflect and look to the future in a positive and proactive manner. Thank you to Ms Newsome, Mr Tamayo, Ms Lam and Mrs Karam for providing tis wonderful opportunity to our students.


Year 7 have completed their first year of high school, and they have done it well! With the continuation of our middle-schooling program, Year 7 students have undertaken curriculum delivered in an engaging and innovative way, showcasing a vast array of talent. As they enter Year 8, students will continue with their home rooms, and the middle-schooling structure, with a supported transition prior to commencing Year 9 in 2021. Subject selection for 2021 elective courses is just around the corner, and will take place in Term 3 next year. To support our Year 8 students in developing study skills and time management skills, Elevate Education will be delivering seminars which focus specifically on these areas. These seminars will take place on Tuesday 4/2/2020. Once again, I would like to thank Mr El-Hafiane and Ms Espejel for their support of, and commitment to Year 7 students. They have ensured that the transition to high school has been a positive experience, and they will continue this fantastic work with students as they continue their high school journey.


I would like to remind all students and parent/carers, that when purchasing equipment for the 2020 school year, students should be wearing black leather shoes to school, and be in full school uniform each and every day. Please check the school website, Facebook and Instagram for details regarding the uniform shop and additional opening times to accommodate the new year rush!

I would like to wish all members of our community a relaxing and enjoyable holiday period, and I look forward to continuing to work with you all throughout 2020.

Deputy Principal (Years 8, 10, 12)


Mrs Kerry Doyle

What an action packed year we have had with the holiday upon us, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday. The HSC examination results will be out very soon and I wish all of Year 12 the best of luck and hope that they are able to achieve their dreams. Either way Ms Jansen will be available for a conversation around how she can assist with entry and alternate pathways into your dream career.


I would like to take the opportunity to thank our teachers whose tiresome work has been relentless throughout the year, who have allowed for success in the classroom and outside of the classroom in the wider community. We have seen our staff assist our students through BBQ fundraising, presentation evenings, formals, celebration evenings, work experience and placement visits, marking and feedback provided on tasks, organising and attending excursions, sporting events and performing arts evenings. Thank you for your professionalism and dedication.


To our parents and carers, who without your partnership in education we would not be as successful. Thank you for advocating for your child, thank you for caring for your child and thank you for listening to your child. Together everyone achieves more, this is particularly relevant to education. Ensuring that our students are heard and listened to, ensuring that we speak from the same play book when it comes to learning, presentation and expectations will assist us all.


Finally to our students, happy holidays! Holidays are a time to recharge, to sleep in, to grow taller and to wind down. Please think about the risks you take, please wear a helmet at all times when out on your bikes or scooters, think of your friends, your family and loved ones.

School uniform

Preparation for uniforms as we move into 2020 is a must. The school uniform shop will be open Tuesday and Thursday mornings as well as Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th January from 8.30 until 2pm. Please ensure that students have black leather shoes, they should be entirely black and leather so that students of all years can participate in Science, TAS and Visual Arts practical activities.


Extended Holidays

Anyone wishing to extend their school holidays, please make contact with the front office to inform the school of this information. If a student is taking more than 10 school days off, they must complete an exemption of attendance form, available from the office. An interview with the Deputy Principal or Principal will be required when the paperwork is submitted.


Completion of School

Any student currently in Year 10 and planning to leave at the end of the school year must ensure they are following the mandatory school guidelines. Students must be:

  • enrolled at school until age 17
  • working 25 + hours a week and have a signed letter from employer stating such
  • be in approved study at TAFE or other institute as part of an apprenticeship / traineeship and supplemented with part time work to equal 25 hours or more

If your child is intending to leave please make sure you make us aware of this as it can affect other students’ access to subject places in popular subjects as well as staffing of these areas. Further details and support to help in transiting can be obtained by making an appointment with the careers advisor.