General News 

Mrs Kate Thompson and Mrs Tracey Klitsch



Quirindi High School’s Yr 6 TASTER DAY

Tuesday 18th October 2022 

Please let us know tomorrow if your Yr 6 child will be attending the QHS Taster Day. 

Quirindi High School would like to invite your Year 6 students to attend a Taster Day at Quirindi High School on Tuesday 18th October 2022. This invitation is for all students in Year 6 who are definitely planning on attending Quirindi High School for their secondary education.


The day will consist of specially designed lessons and activities in four of the following subjects - TAS (Metal or Wood), Music, PE, Art and Agriculture. I have included a timetable so that you can see a detailed plan for the day.


We would like all students to arrive at Quirindi High School at 9.30am for a quick introduction in the school hall. We are aiming to start our lessons at 9.45am and finish our last lesson at 2.30pm. 


Students will attend 4 x 55 minute periods and will spend their breaks getting to know some other students from the other partner schools. Throughout the day, the students will be assisted by some of our Year 10 students, both in class and with their navigation around the school. We ask that all students bring their morning tea and a drink bottle for the day. Quirindi High School will provide the students with a BBQ lunch. The students sent with money will be able to access the school canteen at recess and lunch if they desire. 


Please let us know if any student/s have special dietary requirements and QHS will provide an alternative meal for them. Students should attend wearing their school uniform for the day (Sports Uniform would be the best). 


Parents will be responsible for the transport of their students to and from the High School and should not arrive until after 9:20am. Pickup time is 2:35pm. 


If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Quirindi High School.


We are proud of our uniform and ask that you ensure your children have the correct uniform items to wear to school and that all items are clearly named. Students are now to wear their summer uniform. 


It is a legal requirement that you log in to Compass to explain all absences within 7 days of your child being away from school, however it is so much easier if you attend to this on the day as soon as you receive the reminder.  

You will not be able to complete this task after the 7 days has passed which means they will be recorded as Absent Unexplained.  

If you are having a trouble accessing all of the Compass features,  there should be a drop down menu on your home page which looks like 3 horizontal lines.  Open this menu and choose 'open in browser'. This will help you access the school portal features. 


Term 3 accounts were due on September 13th.  Payment options remain unchanged and include via the Qkr App; EFT through bank (please use account number, under date on your statement & surname as reference); CentrePay and ADIG Direct Debit.   


Congratulations to Kendall and Sienna (for the previous week) and Nate R and Jack for being drawn out as this week's winners. The answers were:

Infants: What am I?  I am a letter of the alphabet. I am a body part. You can find me on your face. A: I/eye

Primary: What is a six letter word that is spelt with its letters in alphabetical order? 

Good luck! A: There were many possible answers: biopsy, effort, accept, almost.

The Coolamon Challenge will be back next term! 

10c Bottle, Can and Juice Box Donation Drive

Keep those donations coming. Don't forget, Sports Day = Donation Day!