Wellbeing news

Exciting news! We are part of the new Vic Kids Eat Well movement. This state-wide
movement is focused on transforming the food and drink environments where
kids spend their time including schools. All Victorian kids deserve access to healthy
and delicious food in places where they learn and play.
We wanted to let you know all about the changes we’ve made/plan to make:
• Refreshed the fridge – given sugary drinks the boot and let water take the
• Switched up the snacks – ditched the sweets and now offer delicious healthy
snacks that give kids the fuel they need
• Changed up the menu – given fruit and veggies a chance to shine
We will be promoting Vic Kids Eat Well on our website and via our social
media. You can also check out the poster near the canteen and Embling Building
we received from Vic Kids Eat Well headquarters to acknowledge our commitment to healthy eating.
Learn more about Vic Kids Eat Well.
Claire Logue
School Nurse
Its Mental Health month which coincides with upcoming exams. This month is an important reminder to make a promise to prioritise and look after our mental health. ReachOut.com ( https://au.reachout.com/study-work-and-money/exam-stress ) provides evidence-based research, ideas, and information on all topic’s mental health and wellbeing. With exam time nearing, tension can run high, pressure can be felt, and sometimes friendships can be up and down. Friendships can also be wonderfully supportive. If friendships are adding to your stress levels here are some handy hints taken from ReachOut on how to keep them positive even when you are feeling stressed:
- Work out how you learn and study best. Is this in a study group with friends? Reading notes? Cues cards? Talking about it with family and friends? Listening to lectures?
- If stress is becoming contagious amongst your friends maybe, make an agreement to spend time not talking about exams or study. And if need be take some space for yourself.
- Support friends who support you. Friends are super important and can help us to calm when feeling anxious or stressed. Offer your assistance in return if a friend has helped you.
- Its easy to become competitive- however try and stay in your own lane. Try to focus on your own goals, personal strengths, and performance.
- Reach out! – to family and friends, teachers and wellbeing staff to talk through something that’s bothering you. You can also check out ReachOut.com
Sonia Panek
Mental Health Practitioner