Who's Who in the Primary?

So who is in the Primary School?

Over the year we have been introducing you, our parent community, to our staff giving you a little glimpse into what makes us tick.  This fortnight’s The View we would like to introduce you to Mrs Sophia Tucker.


My name is Sophia and this is my first year of teaching in a Year 1 and 2 class. I’ve always liked the idea of working with children, which led me to working in childcare for around 10 years. I wanted to further my interests with becoming an Early Childhood teacher and make a difference in children’s lives, share the love of learning and express how learning can be done in a fun and engaging way. I have taught at a variety of schools as a relief teacher. 


What is your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is purple.


What is your favourite movie/song/book?

My favourite T.V series is Mandalorian.

I love listening to a variety of different music. Some of my top favourite bands are Red Hot Chili Peppers, Maroon 5, Coldplay, SofiTukker, Karnivool and Vera Blue. 

My favourite book is called Scar Tissue. I also enjoy reading The BFG, The Treehouse series and riddle books. 


Are you a sweet tooth or a savoury person?

I do love my sweets but I’m more of a savoury person.


How do you relax and unwind?

Some of the ways I like to relax and unwind are when I’m gardening, playing guitar, listening to music, going on walks and baking. 


When was the last time you smiled or had a big belly laugh?

The last time I smiled was when I caught my husbands eye


What are you most looking forward to this year?

I look forward to growing as a teacher with an amazing community to support me.


What quote, line from a song or motto sums you up?