From the Director of Primary

Melanie Sluyters

Growth and Thank You

Over the past term I have explored the concept of GROWTH and what it means to us as humans. A dive into linking growth with such societal concepts as conversation, change, and wellbeing has highlighted how essential growth is to all. It allows us to celebrate the manucia of details that at first glance do not seem to be relevant but then through careful observation, are recognised as an important part of who we are and our ability to grow and thrive.

This term has been an explosion of growth as we have welcomed new students in our environment and seen them flourish. We have opened our hearts to those who are less fortunate than ourselves through our donation to the Winter Appeal, and we have embraced the relentless energy and growth of students as they navigate their term of learning. Challenges have been accepted, talents recognised and pursuits explored and throughout this, growth has been at the forefront of all.

Without the support and guidance of parents, carers, and extended family members the above would not have been possible. Thank you for everything you have done to embrace all that we have undertaken in the Primary throughout the term. A huge thank you also to the staff who comprise an integral part of the College as a whole. It is in large part thanks to your combined passion, commitment, dedication, and willingness to take on board extra work, that we have been able to achieve all that we have. 

Primary Athletics

On Friday 23 September, the Kinder to Year 6 students and staff gathered, under what was initially stormy skies, to participate in the Primary Athletics Carnival. It was such a blessing to see the whole Primary school together, cheering each other on, celebrating the wins and losses and having a wonderful time.   

A huge thank you to the HPE staff, especially Ms Nikki Stuart, Ms Lu van Standen and Ms Adele Larett whose organisation in preparing for and on the day, allowed for a smooth running carnival. A special mention to the IT Department and Mr Simon Milne who, with the assistance of Ms Isobelle Ransom, had the scoring down to a fine art.  

Finally to the parents who assisted at events, our amazing Year 10 Leaders and House Captains, and the Primary staff generally, a huge thank you for all the work you did on the day.

For the record Carmel House were the winners on the day, followed by Lourdes and Loreto House.  

Year 5 and 6 Maths Relay Team

On Sunday a small but dedicated group of clever mathematicians headed to Rosny College to participate in the Primary School Maths Relay Competition.  Although not successful on the day they loved the opportunity to be part of the competition and were very pleased with their efforts.  

Congratulations to the following girls who participated and thank you to their parents for your support in allowing them to take part.   

Team A: Georgie Costelloe, Violet O’Brien, Matilda Mulcahy and Eve Coleman 

Team B: Fansu Lin, Brooklyn Taylor and Mia Cairns. 

Thanks also to Mrs Michelle Wall who organised the teams and to Mrs Emily Coleman for being there to assist in the marking process.  

Year 6 Camp 

Last Monday, forty one Year 6 students and five staff set off for an adventure of a lifetime as they headed to Spring Bay Mill for three days of adventure, team building, horticulture experiences and glamping.  A more detailed unpacking of the camp can be read in the article written by the Year 6 Teaching team.  


As you can appreciate, a camp just does not just happen so a huge thank you to all who assisted in the process to ensure that the Year 6’s got on the bus on the Monday morning.  Thank you to Ms Natalie Reid and Ms Rebecca Meissner for their organisation of the three days, and to Mrs Anne Marie Lane and Mr Gerard McNulty for giving up their time to attend, support and encourage the Year 6 students to push themselves sometimes out of their comfort zones.  


Ms Natalie Reid 

Tomorrow we farewell Ms Natalie Reid as she starts her parental leave.  I am sure you will join me in wishing her and Hamish all the very best as they start this new part of their lives.  We send them all our love as they wait patiently for their new addition to their family.   



Holy Father, just as a shepherd looks after their sheep, as new parents Hamish and Natalie, we pray that You will grant them with the same tenderness of a God who promises to watch over his flock. Lord, in the same way, help new parents to lead their new born babies gently in line with Your will and purpose. 
Our Lady of Mount Carmel 
Prayer for us.

Mrs Anna Cazaly 

This week we farewell Mrs Anna Cazaly and thank her for the fabulous work she has done in Year 5 Navy over the past two terms whilst I have been looking after the Early Years role.  Anna’s passion for emparting her love for and of learning is second to none and her ability to make any lesson and wonderful experience is a credit to her.  She will be missed but I am sure we have not seen the last of her in the Primary school.

The below is part of a poem titled ‘Heart of a Teacher’ by Paula Fox and is a reflection of Anna’s ability to ensure her students always reach their full potential.


‘The child arrives like a mystery box…
with puzzle pieces inside
some of the pieces are broken or missing…
and others just seem to hide
But the HEART of a teacher can sort them out…
and help the child to see
the potential for greatness he has within…
a picture of what he can be
Her goal isn’t just to teach knowledge…
by filling the box with more parts
it’s putting the pieces together…
to create a work of art….’.

Sheryl and Rosie Cleaning Awards 

Congratulations to the following classes who after a lot of scrutiny by our judges have been recognised as having the tidiest classrooms in the Primary school.

  • Year 5 Navy
  • Prep 

Footy Colours Day 

Tomorrow (Friday 30 September), our College gathers to celebrate Footy Colours Day - designed to be a fun day to celebrate all things AFL/Soccer/NRL etc.  Students are encouraged to come to school in a guernsey of the team they support, and if they do not have a team,  they can turn up as an umpire/referee or supporter.  Students are also asked to bring along a gold coin donation with all money going to the Archbishop’s Good Samaritan Fund

Yes, the AFL Grand Final has been ‘run and won’, with Geelong successful this year. However, given the public holiday last Thursday and the Athletics Carnival being held on the Friday, it was decided to have our Footy Colours Day on the last day of Term , as a relaxed way to wrap up a hectic term.    

What’s Coming Up 

  • Summer Uniform
    • Start of Term 4
    • Please ensure Years 1 - 4 students are wearing their boater hat with the summer dress to and from school.
    • College sunhat for all Kinder - Year 6 is a requirement.
  • Co Curricular Photos (Sport/Academic and Cultural)
    • Monday 24 October and Tuesday 25 October
    • More information will be sent home via EdSmart correspondence.
  • Pink Accessories Day - Breast Cancer Awareness 
    • Friday 28 October
    • Information will be sent home in the first few days of Term 4
    • Start planning what pink accessories you may want to adorn the uniform.
  • The Paper Escaper - Terrapin Puppet Theatre 
    • Monday 31 October for all Kinder to Year 6 students