Isla, Sia and Olivia
Isla, Sia and Olivia
We have a number of school policies that support the operations of our school.
Please refer to our Student Placement Policy for details regarding processes in place for allocation of students into classes.
Our Mobile Phone Policy outlines expectations and processes for students in regards to mobile phone use. This policy also includes details regarding the use of smartphones – please note all notifications should be turned off during school hours. We ask that any communication required with your child during learning hours goes through the Administration Office. Further details can be found in this policy.
As part of our policy review process, we value community feedback. Please find below our recently updated Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy. This whole school policy is an extensive document that outlines details of our social and emotional learning program, processes for student support, and our Student Wellbeing Support Plan and follow through process.
In partnership is our Bullying Prevention Policy. This has been updated to reflect the recent changes to Child Safe Standards.
Please email Kim Ancrum if you have any feedback on either of these two policies.