From the Principal

As we race towards the end of another term, I have been reflecting on the opening and closing of doors.


This is true in the plain old hustle bustle of life.  Every new day is another open door which we all need to walk through.  For some of us, I suspect most of us, we don’t think too much about a new day as an open door, because each day has a predictability about it.


Living in a community such as ours, with many connections to other networks, groups of people, I am in the privileged position of knowing some of the more intimate details of some of the challenges that the next open door entails.


Those who are dealing with terminal illness and the real prospect of loosing a life partner.  For those in these circumsatnces, each new day is a door to spending another day with loved ones before God calls them home.  It helps us to focus on the day that’s in front of us and the people God places in our path.


Those who are moving to a new stage in the journey of life also face doors, some that need to be pushed open and others that are closing behind them.  Thankfully God orchestrates these things, these opening and closing of doors.


We don’t need to fear what the future holds, even if we can’t see what’s behind the door that hasn’t been opened yet.


Our senior students are coming to a closing of the door on their senior secondary years at LCS and are standing at a metaphorical crossroad.  There will be many pulls on them to go in certain directions and other pulls to take a different path.  In times like this we can ask God for clarity and there will be occasions when the clarity is so crystal clear, or so it seems.  I want to encourage all of our community to consider that open or opening door in our lives as well as consider the closing or closed doors in our lives, and commit these things to film in earnest prayer.


I recall a time when Lucy and I were at a crossroad in our lives.  It involved a major decision about leaving a successful but time consuming printing business and embarking on university study, with 4 young children to support.  My mum had a poster on the wall of their home which said words to the effect – I’m not going to tell which decision to make, but I promise to be with you regardless of which way you choose.  Those words were incredibly insightful and comforting words to hear when we were facing such a big life decision.

What was true then is just as true today.


I want to pray for all of us facing the door of a new day.  Whether it be another day of suffering with terminal illness, another day of new opportunity, another day of a slowly closing door in the process of moving to a slowly opening door.


One great verse that has given great encouragement to many believers comes from Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


But there is another door that God’s Word talks about that is even more important to think about.  It comes from Revelation 3:20 - Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in. I will eat with that person, and they will eat with me.


It is my prayer for all of us that we will heed that gentle but persistent call that God extends every day to us all.  Will we take the time to listen to that call?  I hope so.


On behalf of all the staff at LCS, I want to wish you God’s blessing and protection in the time of the break from school and for energy, health, courage and strength as we prepare for the busy final term of 2022.


The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26