Principal's Message 

Principal’s Speech Night Address 

It is with pleasure that I share with our community my my end of year report that I delivered at our speech night.


It is wonderful to be able to hold a full school presentation night after the last two years of disruption with COVID.


I am incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to work as part of a team of dedicated teaching and non-teaching staff. A school can only operate if you have the right people in right positions. From our office team, canteen supervisors, AEO, SLSOs, Student Support officer, School Nurse, School Counselors, General assistant, farm Assistant, project officers, Teachers, Head teachers and Deputies. Every individual plays an important role in ensuring that students at WWHS are supported and engaged in the classroom, provided with opportunities to play in sporting competitions, be involved in academic and cultural events or engage in wellbeing activities. We pride ourselves at WWHS in ensuing that every child is known, valued and cared for.


I know that I say this all the time, but we do punch above our weight as a small school. I will not accept that any of our students be disadvantaged because of the fact we are a small rural school. If there is an opportunity for our students to be involved in events, we do our best make it happen. So many schools, didn’t compete in any sporting or cultural activities or excursions this year due to staff shortages. We made it a priority to keep these events running as they are so important for our students to engage in. This was only possible due to the staff putting up their hands to take additional classes to cover for staff who were away. For this I’m grateful, as these events are important to improve student engagement, attendance and experiences.


To our students. I hope you realize all that we do, is for you. I’m now in a role where I may not see you as often, but I follow what you achieve in the classroom and outside it with pride. We have been through so much over the last 3 years, and for some of you, you haven’t had the chance to feel like we are WWHS since we are at our temporary site. I thank you for remaining so positive about your school. I’m with you in counting down until we can be a whole school again on our new site. You will have first class facilities for the reminder of your high school years.


All that we achieve is not possible without the support we receive from our parents and the wider community. From P&C fundraising, driving students to events, our families are always willing to help. The support we receive from businesses in town is incredible. From donations, coming in to talk to our students about careers, or donating to our school and in particular our Ag farm. Your support valued and makes such a difference to our student’s experiences. I thank you.


Many of you have had the chance to look at the plans of the new school. You will be seeing lots of activity from now on the site. The aim is to commence mid 2023 in our new school. I’m so excited for the opportunities that the school will bring to Wee Waa and surrounds. We will have a state-of-the-art educational facility and will be the envy of many across the state. I can’t wait for our students, staff and community to see the end result and start using it. It has been a long road with lots of planning to ensure that we get the best facilities. My motto during any planning and design phases has been “why can’t I have it? If a city school has it in their plans why should my students and staff not have it. I’m sure I’ve made many roll their eyes at times, however, we have an end product that will be amazing educationally, culturally, agriculturally and sporting. Most importantly we all deserve to have this as our school moving forward. 


Speech Nights like this don’t happen without the efforts of the organizing team. A huge thanks to Carmel Schwager who has once again led the team, and thanks to Olivia, Sara, Tracey, Jocellin, James. For all your efforts to make this night a celebration of students in 2022.


I am sad to say farewell to some of our staff who are leaving us in the coming weeks:

  • Sally K-S is taking a year’s leave – we will miss your endless enthusiasm and positivity and of course the pink outfits. Your leadership of the Math’s and PE faculty is consistent, fair and always about supporting staff and students. Enjoy your year away. I look forward to the colour choice in 2024
  • Kym Green has been a fantastic advocate for our students in the MC class. Kym’s experience, compassion and understanding of her students’ needs has been a positive addition to our school. We wish Kym all the best in returning to Sydney and we hope she has enjoyed her 2 years Rural Exchange Program
  • Rob Eaton has been our Deputy Principal for the past 18months. He returns to Maitland High and his wife who’s been keeping the house, children and cats going. My car trips to school will be all the quieter in your absence, I’m looking forward to being allowed to keep the air conditioner on cold. On a serious note, Rob has been an amazing addition to our school, his IT knowledge has resulted in us moving successfully into the digital world. He is such a strong advocate for students and he will be missed by staff and students. I hope you have enjoyed your time with us and life at Maitland High will be boring in comparison
  • Farewell to Ben and Brad, our prac students from Sydney. It has been wonderful to have students back with us, and I m sure when you signed up, the floods, rough roads and online learning where not things you thought you would be dealing with. 

I am pleased to welcome:

  • Amber Conomos to our teaching staff in 2023 after she has completed her final internship with us in term 4.
  • Penny Wallington for gaining a permanent teaching position with us in PDHPE
  • Marjory Drummond as our Deputy Principal for the next Three years.

I will be continuing in the Principal's role in 2023.


Carol Miller, could I ask you to come to the stage please? Carol was recently recognised for her 40 year of service as a teacher, however if you add to that the approximately 10 years she has spent as a casual teacher, it's more like 50 years of service. Carol has decided that it's time to try retirement for the second time and I wanted to acknowledge her contribution to Wee Waa High School during her many tears as a casual teacher. Please join me in thanking Carol and wishing her every happiness in the years ahead. 


I would like to finish by thanking you all . We have made it through the end of COVID restrictions, only to be hit by numerous flooding events which lead to further disruptions. I think it is safe to say that Wee Waa High is made of tuff stuff. We are a resilient lot who are always here for each together.


I wish you all a Merry Christmas. To my staff and our students have well deserved break. Have fun, be safe and I can’t wait for 2023 and what it will bring for our school.


Yours sincerely 

Jacqueline Neil 

Relieving Principal