Principal Team's Message

Our Assistant Principals reflect on term four

Our reflections on Term 3 and the beginning of Term 4 

It was a very busy and productive term three. Our students participated in a wide range of activities and programs throughout term 3. Including subject selection (from years 8- 11), VM (Vocational Major 2023) Interviews, year 9 city program, senior warm and fuzzy day, meet the duxes, high ability programs and other extracurricular activities.  

This term students and staff have attended more outdoor education camps and excursions, school sports, anti-bullying, cyber-safety and well-being incursions. Our VCAL program has led whole school projects to raise money for Cindy’s Promise (a rescue centre for abandoned and abused horses). Our Instrumental concerts have also entertained audiences over the past few weeks. As we write this article our Arts and Technology students are preparing for ‘Show Off ‘which will be a fabulous culmination of our student’s talent and hard work throughout the year. Our students have demonstrated outstanding participation in these activities and adhered to our school values of respect, resilience, responsibility and endeavour.  


We are incredibly proud of our school community’s academic achievements in 2022. Discussing the most recent work habits results is an excellent opportunity to reflect on our student’s success and identify areas that need improvement as we move into exams (in the senior years) and Head start 2023. 


🏫This term we farewelled our Year 12 cohort with a formal assembly, run through the whole school and last school day countdown. Our Year 12 students, families and friends also joined staff and school leaders for a wonderful BBQ in the sunshine to celebrate 13 years of school and reflect on their connections, achievements and enriching time at Sunbury College.  


We wish the class of 2022 all the very best for their end-of-year exams and future pathways and careers.

We also look forward to further celebrations at the Year 12 Graduation on Thursday 24 November. 


Tutor learning initiative (TLI) 2023 

Throughout the year, Teachers and Tutors have been focusing on assessing student learning, addressing individual learning gaps and identifying those students who need extra support for their learning, using classroom-based observation and assessments.  

We know that the remote learning experience during 2021 and 2022 was different for every student. While some students thrived, some students may not have engaged as fully with remote learning. For most of our students, regular high-quality teaching in 2022 will be enough to help them progress to the expected level of learning. Some students will benefit from additional intensive learning support in 2023. As you may be aware, in response to this, the Victorian Government is continuing to invest $250 million in the Tutor Learning Initiative to enable schools across Victoria to engage around 4,100 teachers as tutors in 2023 to support students who need extra assistance with their learning.  


Our school is currently in the preliminary stages of selecting students and further enhancing the implementation of this program to ensure that students will get this support in a way that minimises disruptions to other learning or school activities. By engaging additional teachers to support students with intensive learning, classroom teachers will have a greater capacity to ensure that all other students’ achievement, engagement and well-being needs are met so that all students receive the support they need in 2023. Students will be selected using standardised assessment (NAPLAN, PAT), formative assessments from throughout 2022, work habit ratings and teacher judgements 

Further information about the Tutor Learning Initiative, and how it will be implemented for students who need individual learning support in our school, will be issued before students begin tutoring in 2023.  


PAT (Progressive Achievement Testing) 

This term all year 7, 8 and 9 students have completed PAT (Progressive Achievement Testing) for English and Maths. Students accessed the tests online through their own devices. Each PAT test provides quantitative and qualitative data on student performance, making the PAT ideal for understanding students’ current strengths and weaknesses, informing our teaching and learning, and monitoring progress over time. We would like to congratulate our students on the manner in which they conducted themselves during the testing.  



Wearing full and correct uniform is important to our school community. Throughout the year we have reminded all students about the expectations of wearing full school uniform and the clear consequences if they choose not to. 

Windcheaters and coloured long-sleeve tops are not permitted to be worn at school.

The college jacket and jumper are available for purchase from the uniform shop. We remind families that plain white socks are to be worn (no markings) and black leather-laced school shoes are the only footwear permitted to be worn to school.  

A reminder that the uniform shop is open every Tuesday from 3:30 pm until  5:30 pm. 

Jewellery Policy Reminder 

Facial ring piercings (including the half ring and ball nostril ring) are not permitted under any circumstances at school. 

 Students will be asked to remove them immediately and parents of persistent offenders will be contacted. For occupational health and safety reasons, students are only able to wear a stud.