
SFS Twilight Market and Art show


We are super excited and the count down to our Twilight market and Art show has begun. The Twilight market/art show is on Thursday 3rd November from 5pm until 8pm. There are a variety of stalls booked in including clothing, homewares, jewellery, some delicious food trucks and so much more. 


Make sure you invite your family and friends. Only 3 weeks to go!!!!!!!!!!


Gardening 4 Kids fundraiser

We have an opportunity to raise some money for our community garden. Please read the following for more information.


What’s in it for me?  You will have access to Australia’s largest online range of quality children’s gardening gloves, tools, equipment and seed growing kits.  You will be able to shop online and have your order delivered to school for collection, so you won’t pay shipping costs!


What’s in for the school?  10% of all sales will go towards our Community Garden.


To be involved simply make an online purchase from Gardening 4 Kids – www.gardening4kids.com.au between now and Tuesday 1st of November and use the discount code SFDS10% at checkout.  This code will entitle you to zero shipping costs and the school will receive 10% of your order total. 

Your order will be available for collection at the twilight market on Thursday 3rd of November. For any queries about Gardening 4 Kids products, please email info@gardening4kids.com.au




Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL) 

This term we are continuing to imbed Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL) with the students and school community. PBL is a framework that we are using to teach the children about expected behaviours in different parts of the school. The children will have a weekly social skills lesson on a Monday identifying a specific social skill we would like the children to learn and practice around our school expectations of 






Jane Bennet, an experienced leader and educator in PBL, lead our school PBL team in a professional development day last Tuesday and lead our staff in a staff meeting. The whole school focus for this week is on the expectation of RESPONSIBILITY in the learning spaces and “transition quietly”. The PBL team did a walkthrough of learning spaces during transition time as the children were packing up to get morning tea last Tuesday. We are noticing a definite sense of calmness in each space and the children’s locker areas are much cleaner and neater. We will look at doing some professional learning about PBL in the near future. What would you like to know or what questions or wonderings do you have about PBL? Please feel free to email me your questions or thought rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au


World Mental Health Day

On Monday 10th October it was World Mental Health Day. It is really important that we continue to advocate and prioritise the mental health of all. 


After the 2020 pandemic, we have a need more than ever to help promote our mental health. It is also crucial that we have conversations with our children about how they are feeling and encourage them to share how they are feeling with you. Your mental health matters. So make time to be kind to yourself and spread the word to others too. Let's make mental health a priority together, today and every day.


Here are some practical ideas or ways that you can help to promote your child’s mental health taken from careforkids.com.au


  • “Share loving words and actions with your child. This means telling them that you love them, no matter what, and using body language and non-verbal communication, too (e.g. looking into your child’s eyes, bending down to their level, returning their smile and giving lots of cuddles).
  • Make time to talk and listen to your child every day. Family life is busy, but if your child wants to talk, you’re encouraged to stop what you’re doing (if possible) and give them your full attention. 
  • Remember to praise and encourage your child if they do something well or behave in an admirable way.
  • Simply enjoy time with your child. Choose activities that they like doing (e.g. reading books, playing with toys, kicking a ball or making a cake), then settle in for some ‘us time’.
  • Encourage your child to connect with other people in the community (e.g. by saying “hello” to the neighbours or helping out in a community garden).
  • And last, but not least, approach all your relationships in a positive way. This means working out ways to solve problems and manage conflict with your partner, your child and among other members of the family”. 


If you have any questions or concerns about the wellbeing of your child please do not hesitate to contact me rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au


Rachel Lenko

Student Wellbeing Leader

Positive Quote of the Day
Positive Quote of the Day