Learning and Teaching

Dear Lord, 


We remember and give thanks to those who courageously went to war to protect our country.  We call to mind all those whose lives were lost to fight for our freedom.  We remember their sacrifice and the families they left behind.  We give thanks for all that they gave up and all the future owes them.  May your Spirit make us always thankful for their heroism, courage and sacrifice, as we remember to honour those who created a better world for us to live in.


We ask this through Christ our Lord. 



1/2 Camp Dinner

Year 5 Leadership Day:

On Friday 4th November, our Year 5 children will participate in a Leadership Day at St Stephen’s that takes a close look at leadership from around the globe, in our local neighbourhood, and within ourselves.  As a part of the day, children will engage in collaborative group work, games and challenges, and writing an application letter outlining which leadership roles they see themselves in for 2023.  We will spotlight the late Uncle Jack Charles as our local Leader and the many attributes and dispositions that made him a leader here in Melbourne.  St Gabriel’s children will walk with educators to St Stephen’s just after 9am and return by 3pm.  We will be providing Pizza for lunch!

Student Artwork for Sale - Fundraising for Breast Cancer Australia:

As a part of a Project, one of our Year 6 St Gabriel’s students Amelia Trezise has created some beautiful artwork and is selling these pieces in order to fundraise for Lung Foundation Australia.  Check out the art work below! 


If you would like to purchase a piece, please do so from the St Gabriel’s office.  All funds will go to Lung Foundation Australia.  Thank you Amelia for your contribution - we love seeing projects having impact in our community!













*Watermelon SOLD








Sports News

This term in Sport we have been learning about coordination, timing and moving our bodies when listening to music. We have been learning dance routines and responding to cues in music with varying dance moves and sequences. Students in Grade 3-6 even had the opportunity to work collaboratively to create their own dance routines and performed them to their class. All students successfully displayed great teamwork and imagination when developing their dances. We are very excited to begin learning new tricks in our Circus unit next week.