Message from Gemma

St Stephen's & St Gabriel's Catholic Primary School's Principal

Dear families and friends,


I hope you all enjoyed a long weekend. 

This week back at school we are looking forward to a 1/2 long day at school, which is part of the camp program. Children remain at school and have fun activities, cook dinner in groups and we end with a shared meal and pack up - just like camp. These stepping stones support children to feel comfortable and confident when overnight camp happens.  

Friday we welcome all year 5 children to our LEADERSHIP DAY - this day involves exploring many leaders in our world, we investigate qualities and characteristics that lead. Children have the opportunity to dive deeper into the role they might like to apply for. This year children will investigate sustainability leaders, school leaders, social justice leaders and house leaders. The following days applications will be written and submitted - I encourage you to chat with your Year 5 child about the responsibilities and actions that leadership roles come with. 



There is a lot of media coverage surrounding educational data and NAPLAN. We are very pleased to announce our data looks extremely positive. Our MACSIS data has seen an improvement in student voice and school climate has risen in every area. These results do not occur by ozmosis - I congratulate all Teachers, parents and children in their dedication to target teaching, target learning, reinforcement tasks and feedback. I have been blown away by the commitment to ongoing student improvement and the wellbeing of all. Thank you to all and a BIG congratulations. 




We congratulate Brooke Madden, Brooke will move much closer to home in a part time teaching role. 


We congratulate our very own Mariam Latif for applying and accepting our Literacy and Wellbeing role in 2023. It is always very exciting to see our educators apply for leadership roles within our setting - it demonstrates a commitment to the schools exciting future. 



On this day staff will be involved in Professional Learning based on Inquiry Learning / Writing moderation and the story of Advent.


The Vacation Care program is available on this day if required, please contact OUR PATCH to book your child in.


2023 Prep Orientation

Our 2023 Prep children begin their FORMAL Orientation program 17th November however our HEAD START program is happening EVERY Wednesday. This is a wonderful time for our school community and I look forward to working closely with each of our new families as they begin their journey. 

*Please note 29th November St Gabriel’s transition is cancelled due to Kinder graduation for many children. 

Christmas celebration 

Stage booked - Music assigned - and we are ready to celebrate. Monday, 12th December from 5pm we will gather at St Gabriel’s - each gradehub group will sing a song to tell the story of Christmas. We encourage families to SAVE THE DATE, bring a blanket and dinner to share on this night. It will be a wonderful celebration of learning, connection and joy.  



Advent is a season of the liturgical year, it is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Parents are invited to join us in our preparation weeks. 

Advent Liturgies 

Monday 12/12 - 9.15am Year 3/4 Hub 

Tuesday 13/12 - 9.15am P-2 Hub 

Wednesday 14/12 - 9.15am 3/4 Hub 

Thursday 15/12 - 9.15am Year 5/6 Hub 


We look forward to the many events coming up,

