Year 7 News

A great start to the year

The Year 7 students, after a nervous start for some, have begun to really settle into secondary school.  They have started positively and with enthusiasm in all their classes. They have learnt to negotiate their way around the school, and students are logged on to our network system and have mastered the locker lock!


Students have already participated in a fun filled Transition Day, year 7 swimming trials and our fabulous swimming carnival.  They have met new friends, started new subjects and enjoyed the opportunities that secondary school brings.


This term still has many fantastic extracurricular opportunities for our Year 7's.  This includes our school athletics on March 19th,  year 7 sport and a home group dodge ball competition.  Students have also been suggesting some fantastic clubs they would like to see operating here which is just wonderful.


In the next few weeks we will select our Year 7 Captains and Vice Captains and classes are busy choosing their Home Group Amdassador.  There are many more opportunities at Mornington Secondary College for students to grow and develop their leadership skills.


I look forward to working with your child and  getting to know you all over the coming year.


Joanne Reeman

Year 7 Team Leader