Sport and PE Report

Physical Education Online Learning

Welcome back to Term 2! It goes without saying that this will be a very different term and I'm sure a number of you are interested to hear how your child will be participating in weekly PE sessions. Here is currently what you need to know:


1. All PE lessons will be uploaded on Monday morning ready for completion during the week. Students are expected to complete the task by the end of the week (Sunday).

2. PE lessons are to be accessed and completed via Seesaw (Foundation to Year 2) and Showbie (Year 3 - 6). The first 10 - 15 minutes of each PE lesson involves a Warm Up Activity, where students get to select from a variety of options, and then progresses through to the main focus of the lesson. I will be providing feedback throughout the week on technique and skill development so it is important videos and learning tasks are completed and uploaded in a timely manner.

3. The PE Question Time will be held from 2:00-3:30pm for each cohort on the following days:

- Monday: Year 1/2

- Tuesday: Foundation

- Wednesday: Year 3/4

- Friday: Year 5/6

Students are welcome to send Mr Batt questions about the weekly tasks during this time.

4. Communication between parents and teachers is to be through Sentral Messaging. and communication between the students and teachers will be via Seesaw (Foundation to Year 2s) or Showbie (Year 3 – 6s).

The Importance of Daily Physical Activity

Here at BPPS, we understand that coronavirus (COVID-19) is having an impact to our daily lives. This is influencing how we learn, live and play, particularly for our children. It’s important they keep a balanced approach to home learning. Time spent using digital devices for learning should be broken up with physical exercise and offline learning tasks often.


School Sport Victoria (SSV) have a helpful page on their website sharing ideas for parents to support their children with completing their daily exercise requirements.


I know that I have been trying to make a big effort to still 'Find my 30', using Youtube to find exercise videos to help improve my strength and flexibility.


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me via Sentral.


Cameron Batt

BPPS PE Teacher and Sport Coordinator