Year 12 Camp

Year 12 Camp – Class of 2019


Wednesday 30th January – Friday 1st February


What a great way to commence the Year 12 Academic Year!  Even though the Class of 2019 formally commenced their final year of secondary education whilst on camp at Phillip Island Adventure Resort, they certainly hit the ground running.


From an educational perspective, we chose to commence in this manner in order to set the students up mentally and educationally.  These three days were combined with a mixture of educational programs as well as relaxing and fun activities.  Elevate Education gave our students tips and skills on how to “Ace their Exams” whilst Ms Maria Ruberto – Professional Psychologist, presented a very interesting seminar on Mental Health and how to look after oneself during this stressful year.  No doubt Mr Beau Vernon’s inspirational story taught our students the meaning of “never giving up.”  Beau has developed a partnership with us as this is now the third year he has presented to our Year 12 students.


The Penguin Parade was a huge hit.  It was special watching the Class of 2019 sitting together waiting for the penguins to waltz in.  Many other activities including professional surfing, exploring the maze, yoga, exercise circuit, canoeing, flying fox, the giant swing and swimming were enjoyed by all, including staff.

On the final day students worked on an aspect of their first English SAC, as well as participating in a Careers Seminar.


I thank all the Year 12 Student Leaders for running the camp trivia/game night.  We all had a lot of fun.


The aim of this camp program is to inspire the students to do their best academically, as well as to form lasting friendships with the Class of 2019. 


I take this opportunity to thank all staff involved in this Camp.  Without their time and commitment this camp would not be possible.


To the Year 12, 2019 Class – it was a pleasure taking such a wonderful group of young people to Phillip Island.   Your conduct throughout the three days made us proud.  We wish you all the very best in your final year of secondary school.




Fiona Morabito

Year 12 Coordinator