From the Acting Principal
Principal's Report
A warm welcome to all our families, students and parents for the 2019 school year. A special mention to all new students who commenced at Rosehill Secondary College this year, particularly our Year 7 students who have experienced a significant milestone in their educational journey - starting secondary school. Congratulations! I look forward to working with you and your families in helping you become a well rounded citizen of the 21st century. Rosehill not only offers a high quality academic education, we are a school that provides great support through all stages of adolescent development, complimented by wonderful extracurricular opportunities. I encourage all students take up such prospects to help make their time with us as beneficial as possible.
It is with much pride and excitement that I have been appointed Acting Principal for this year. I look forward to working with our school community, continuing to build on the successes of the past, and embracing the future.
Our Local Member of Parliament, Ben Carroll, has guaranteed Rosehill Secondary College 4.5 million to build a new state of the art STEM and Technology Centre. This will further enhance our wonderful STEM projects currently in operation. These building works will complement recent works the school has self-funded over the years, and will ensure that Rosehill continues to provide high quality facilities and programs for our students and the local community.
Every four years all government schools must undertake a comprehensive school review. Our review was late last year and so we begin the year with a new School Improvement Team (SIT). The team have a clear focus and agenda to ensure we continue to improve outcomes for all students. The School Improvement Team consists of the staff listed in the table below. These are the leaders of our school and will not only be providing some of the highest quality teaching and learning to your children, but will also lead our teachers through a continuous improvement cycle known as the FISO improvement model. More information on the process can be found on the Department of Education (DET) website, or the link below.
- Principal ( Acting) – Arthur Soumalias
- Assistant Principal – Kerry Mckay
- Assistant Principal – Frances Snow
- Assistant Principal- Christopher Cogan
- Head of Senior School – Daniel Wallace
- Head of Junior School – Matthew Hosking
- Director of Teaching and Learning – Melissa Chapman
- Director of Curriculum – Richard Bader
- Student Engagement – Will Stubbings
- College Operations Manager – Corrie Wheare
- Head of English – Sirocha Bruckard
- Head of Mathematics – Andy Patch
- Specialist Science – Daniel Leaver
- Specialist Data – Brad Ross
- Specialist Literacy – Jane Geerling
- Specialist Enhancement – Stephanie Barbaro
In week one I was lucky enough to make my way down to the Year 12 Camp at Phillip Island. It was great to see our Year 7 class of 2014 working hard and participating in team bonding and study skills activities.
I wish our school leaders and the 2019 Year 12 students the best of luck this year. In reality, success is not something we can ‘hope’ for - it is something we must work toward. Luck does not really cut it in Year 12. I will continue to remind your children that success is earned through hard work. Each year students with the most successful outcomes have had the best work ethic. The correlation between the two is undeniable. It is not unreasonable to expect your child to complete at least 2-3 hours of homework (study) 5-6 times per week and even more during busy times and over the weekend.
The class of 2018 were very successful in their VCE results, with a doubling of students achieving scores of 40+. Recent on track data has indicated that essentially every student who applied for further education was successful in obtaining an offer for either their first or second preference - outstanding results for our class of 2018 and a special mention to our careers team of Alfio Raiti and Nadia Vossos.
Arthur Soumalias
Acting Principal