
A Guide For Remote Learning

This guide to your child’s week of learning has been designed with flexibility and support in mind. We are aware that many families have students in more than one year level, and we encourage all families to respond to the needs of their children and use this weekly timetable as a guide only.

If you are a family with children in several year levels, you will notice that teachers are setting activities to suit the age and stage of students in their classes. The older students may need at little longer to complete some tasks, whilst the junior students may get through their tasks quite quickly. That’s perfectly okay!

As teachers have already planned and uploaded this week’s lessons, you may notice some small discrepancies between the timetable and the activities set, however this will even out over the coming weeks. Teachers will also start sending home a parent planner to support parents and students to know where to find their lessons and how to complete/submit them successfully.

As always, Miners Rest Primary is aiming to be adaptive to the current needs of our students, families and staff and deliver quality learning experiences matched to our curriculum.