Junior School

1T News

Learning in 1T


We have been taking learning seriously since day one in grade one and established our class vision and mission statement together. We hope you enjoyed our presentation at assembly this week! We continue to have a focus on respecting each other and being happy, healthy humans by engaging in wellbeing and mindful learning throughout each day.


In the classroom we have settled into routine and are enjoying our CAFÉ reading blocks and VOICES writing sessions. We have planted seeds in our Writer’s notebooks, using pictures of things we love from home and chosen just right texts for our book boxes. Thank you to the parent helpers who have taken the time to help us with our Jollyphonics learning and sustained reading!


In Maths we’ve been busy counting to 100 and recognising number patterns. Here’s a riddle to challenge your family at home;


John has been hired to paint the numbers 1 through 100 on 100 apartments. How many times will he have to paint 8?


As we discover Australia through our Geography based Inquiry investigation, we have been listening to podcasts and learning about indigenous languages and storytelling. Students have been very curious after looking at artwork, discussing seasonal change and exploring how colours and stories connect us to country.  Students have enjoyed sharing their oral presentations and it’s obvious everyone has been working extremely hard at home to create something interesting! Please enjoy some of the artwork on display in the junior school corridor!