Bonjour tout le monde ! J'espère que vous passez une bonne semaine.

Hello everybody! I hope you're having a good week.

In Prep, the students are starting to learn colours. After the lesson, they were divided into four groups to play a couple of games online and to collect points for their team. The rule of the first game was to decide whether the colour that appeared on the screen was matching the word they could hear. In the second game, they had to listen to two colours and pick the matching one.


In years 1T and 1/2D, the students learned new vocabulary: ocean creatures (1T) and Australian animals (1/2D). Each student picked two French words and had to find the English translation using cue cards. They then had to write the French words and their translations in their notebooks and illustrate their animals.


In years 2/3A, 3/4S, 5/6K and 5/6M, the focus of this Term is ‘greetings’. For most students, this is a revision of what was learnt in previous years. At the start of the class they watched a song in French which depicted two characters having a discussion as they met for the first time. Together we discussed the key questions and answers used for French greetings. They then practiced what they had learned in a group activity.