Special Education News

We have made in through a very busy Term 2 and our students have again shown remarkable progress in all areas of schooling whether that be through sport, academics, vocational or social domains.


The Come Try Day was a big success again.  Also a big thanks to Tracey O’Dowd and the many parents who helped at the Bunnings BBQ with close to $1700 being raised. Through this initiative we have been able to purchase a wheelchair accessible outdoor lunch table and new headphones for our laptops and iPads.


Many of our students have been attending Tafe through access courses or Short Youth Engagement (Yes) courses. Congratulations to Krystal Harris, Cameron Weatherby, Tegan Mann, Angelica Mathews-Muller, Freddie Monk and William Mullins for showing great determination and diligence in attending and seeing these courses through. Sometimes the skills learnt in getting to these courses are just as important as the courses themselves. A special mention to Conrad Hope and Cameron Weatherby who have been completing the Community Greening Garden project ran in association with the Royal Botanic Gardens.


Our work experience programs have continued through this term with many students working either in the community or fulfilling important work roles in our “in school” work placement program. Josh Lyons, Ebony Wright, Adam Woods, Nicholas Lee, Conrad Hope, Josh Potger, and Wanda Rasmmussen have all been working one day per week at their individual work sites. A big thanks to our local businesses and community services that support our students. Some of the businesses include, Gosford RSL, Signadvice, Bookface, Kibble Capers and Coast Shelter.

Our work crew also attends Lasercraft Industries every second Friday and work as a group alongside some of past students.

Mr Peter Yates

Head Teacher Special Education

Future Choices Expo

On Thursday 20 June most of the senior students in the Special Education Centre attended the Future Choices Expo held in the large auditorium at Mingara Recreation Club. Some students attended with their parents and carers whilst a small group travelled from school with Mrs Gunderson and Mrs Bennett. We were fortunate to be driven in the Coast Ability bus by Mrs Alex Koltsis.

The event is organised each year to assist people with disabilities prepare for life after school. The expo provides the opportunity for families to meet with representatives from the many post school agencies and other training organisations. Whilst it is an extremely busy morning it is helpful having such a variety of resources and so much information in one location. The students enjoyed receiving information packs with interesting “freebies”. It was also a chance to connect with past Henry Kendall High School students who are involved in several local programs. Our current students came away knowing there are many opportunities and support available to them when they leave school.

Mrs Bronwyn Bennett

Teacher Special Education