Electives & Holiday Program
Autumn Holiday Program - Programming traffic lights
Electives & Holiday Program
Autumn Holiday Program - Programming traffic lights
We are very proud to offer this fantastic program for all our students from our 5 year olds in the Primary School to Year 10. Each term they embark on a broad range of electives including a selection of STEAM-focused activities. our students diligently explore their chosen subjects and develop their skills and knowledge. Following is a selection of what was on offer in Term One 2017. If you would like to offer an elective or need further information about our forthcoming Holiday programs you can email bronte.howell@preshil.vic.edu.au You can read more about the Primary Electives here and the Secondary Electives here.
The Preshil Paper led by Preshil Art teacher and artist, Claire Robertson and Preshil teacher Deb Heyes.
Taking A Line For A Walk led By Preshil French teacher and artist Dominique Rowlands.
Desiging and Sewing A Library Bag led by Preshil teachers Cressida Batterham-Wilson (Alumna) and Rachel Bowen.
World’s Oldest Stories: Australia’s Indigenous Beginnings led by Alumna Eliana Horn.
Mini Sculptures led by artist and teacher Margaret Peppard.
Discover The Storyteller Inside Of You And Experience Drama Games led by standup storyteller, illustrator and artist Charlotte Jowett and Preshil teacher, actor and drama coach Paul O’Leary.
Slow Food led by Preshil teachers Talitha Crawford and Elizabeth Golding.
Electric Guitar Making led by Preshil teacher and Musician Jared Boyle.
Following on from our successful and very popular Elective Program, we have now extended these opportunities in our Holiday Program. The first program this year was the Autumn Program which ran from Monday 3 April - Friday 7 April. Below is a selection of those activities. If you would like more information about our forthcoming Holiday programs you can email bronte.howell@preshil.vic.edu.au
The Autumn Program included: Ceramics, Baking, Textiles, Kerbal Space Program, Programming a traffic light with Arduino and fun learning to code games without a computer, discovering algorithms, booleans, loops and more.