From the Head of Campus

Year level coordinators

Our fabulous Year Level Coordinators are an integral component of effective communication at Preshil: Beth (Years 7 & 8), Kris A (Years 9 & 10) and Daniel (Years 11 & 12).


Coordinators are responsible for all matters relating to their year levels; they work closely with staff to ensure that Preshil is a place where all students feel welcomed and safe.


Communication is extremely important in the partnership between families and the School. As your child progresses through the years you may have concerns about their progress, both academically and socially. Your first point of contact should always be the subject specific teacher and/or Home Group teacher. You are very welcome to make a time to meet with them personally to discuss and resolve any concerns.


Most concerns are resolved at a classroom level, however, if this is not the case or if it is more serious and needs higher level intervention, please contact your child’s Year Level Coordinator. For concerns that require further discussion please do not hesitate to contact me or Marilyn.

Coming up: Diploma Programme information night for parents

If you are interested in learning more about the IB Diploma Programme, we encourage you to attend our next information session which will be held on Tuesday 28 May at 7pm in the BK Library.  

Drugs, alcohol and the law

Preshil has a deep interest in the health, personal and legal wellbeing and legal obligations of its students and staff. All students have the right to feel safe and supported in their school community.


Issues such as alcohol and other drug use and misuse will impact on the School and the community and Preshil accepts the need for a comprehensive and coordinated approach to drug education. We acknowledge that it is only one part of a community response to drug issues. The possession, supply or use of an illegal drug is an offence against the law. If a student is found in possession of an illegal drug or under the influence of an illegal drug, while on the Preshil grounds, their parents/guardians will be informed and police will be notified. 


Preshil offers education on drug and alcohol use and misuse through the Health and Physical Education program and such channels as Victoria Police. We work closely with Senior Constable Greg Garrison who is the Youth Resources Officer for Boroondara who works with many schools.


Attached below are two documents that families may find useful.

Mother’s day classic

This year, twins Rosie and Lily Blight (Year 11) have been focused on raising funds for breast cancer research. In Term One this powerhouse duo worked together with two of our classroom parent reps (Laura and Chloe) to hold a very successful cake stall at the Family Welcome Picnic. Lily and Rosie now return in Term Two with information on how to participate in the 2019 Mother’s Day Classic:


Mother’s Day is coming up, which means so is the Mother’s Day Classic! If you don’t know what the MDC is, it is a fun run/walk on Mother’s Day to raise money for breast cancer research. This year, we would love it if you would all join the Mother’s Day Classic Preshil team. Just follow these simple steps:

1. Go to this website:

2. Select your registration option

3. Choose the amount of people you would like to register

4. Select the 2019 Melbourne event

5. Enter your personal details

6. Select “Yes” when asked if you want to join a team

7. Write “Preshil” under the name of the team

8. Get ready to run/walk on 12 May!


For more information on the event, go to the Mother’s Day Classic homepage:


- with thanks, Rosie and Lily.



Jen Buchanan

Acting Head of Campus (Secondary School)