Sports News

Active Club 

A big well done to everyone who showed up to the last two weeks of Active Club. They were very cold! It has been great to see so many students and families participating this Term and I look forward to even bigger numbers in Term 3. A big thank you to Sarah our Chaplain, Miss Turcinovic and our House Captains for helping to run Active Club in Term 3. 



Week 3

Week 4

Week 8

Grade 11079
Grade 2453
Grade 3212112
Grade 4640
Grade 512113
Grade 613176


Regional Cross Country

A big well done to Campbell B for representing BHPS at the Eastern Metropolitan Region Cross Country on the 14th of June. He ended up coming 83rd out of 123 runners and even shaved off 30 seconds from his best overall time. We are so very proud of you Campbell and all your efforts! 


Division Interschool Sports

A big congratulations to the following teams at the Grade 5 & 6 Interschool Sports who will be progressing to the Division Interschool Sports next Term. These teams did a fantastic job coming first at Interschool Sports against all the District schools. We have 4 new pennants hanging in the Gymnasium for you to look at. Well done to everyone involved! 

  • Mixed Netball 
  • Girls Soccer
  • Boys Soccer
  • Mixed AFL


Senior Hooptime 

A big well done to the 53 students who made it into the Senior Hooptime teams. Each student did a fantastic job showing up to all trials and trying their very best. I look forward to seeing them all play on the 21/07 early next Term. If you are interested in helping out on the day to score or coach please email me at You must have a Working with Children’s Check. 


Taylah Russell 

Physical Education & Sport Coordinator