Tech Corner

Year 4s have been enjoying the BYOD program

The year 4 students have been lucky enough to be a part of our BYOD program starting this year. We have used the devices for many wonderful things including publishing our narratives with voice recordings and illustrations, using google forms to give teachers feedback and share our thoughts, accessing google classroom to share our learning, researching different states and other countries during Inquiry, and using a range of interactive apps! 


After two terms of using our iPads at school, the students have shared their thoughts about the program:

“It’s pretty good because you don’t need to go out and get a Chromebook. Everyone can do their own thing.” - Jack 4M

“It’s good because you don’t have to search links on a Chromebook, you can just scan the QR code.” - Zach 4M

“I think they really help us learn, and we can use them to search things up that we’re confused or curious about.” - Juliet 4O

“I think using our iPads is really good because we don’t have to spend ages logging into different sites.” - Indi 4O


We have also loved taking the opportunity to help our prep buddies out with their iPads and lending our technical expertise.


“I think it was good to see what our buddies do and help them with their iPads.” - Eden 4M


We can’t wait to keep exploring how we can use our devices during Term 3!


Year 4 Teachers

Cyber Safety Project

Boronia Heights Primary School are very excited to begin a partnership with the Cyber Safety Project. The Cyber Safety Project’s mission is to provide a whole community approach focused on developing future skills, lifelong habits and self-regulation when innovating and using technologies for work, life, and play. We are looking forward to our whole school incursion in Term 3 which will provide students the opportunity to participate in an engaging and interactive workshop.


We are also very excited to invite parents to come along to the Cyber Safety Project’s national event on Wednesday 20th July, 2022. See the below flyer for further information regarding the event.


Parents will need to click the registration link to express their interest and attend on the night.