Principal's Report

Geoff’s Farewell

Thank you to everyone who made Geoff Dod’s farewell special on Tuesday afternoon.  Geoff is dearly loved by all of our students, and he has supported students and staff continually throughout his time at BHPS.  We unveiled an amazing sign naming the shed on the oval as GEOFF’S SHED.  He was more than touched and the students made him feel wonderful. Thank you, Geoff, for many years of dedicated service to BHPS, we miss you and you will always be remembered when we look up to the shed.

BHPS Website

Over the last 6 months we have been working on a new look for our website.  With all the news buildings, and facilities and curriculum and programs it is important that our website can keep up to date and reflect who we are and what we stand for.


All staff have had input into the new look website, and I believe it will take us into the foreseeable future. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tanya Wick, one of our office staff who has been the driver behind assembling everybody and working closely with the company that is working with us in producing such a high calibre website presenting our school to the wider community. This new website will launch in Term 3 and more information regarding launch date will be communicated with everybody next term.

Students Absences

A child missing one day of school a fortnight will miss four weeks in a year, and more than a year of school by the time they reach year 10. Twenty or more days absent in a year is categorised as chronic absence. Unfortunately, there are some students that are at risk of chronic absences starting from early in the year. If you need support in getting your child to school, we are here to help you put in place interventions and work with families to prevent students from following the trajectory towards chronic absences. 


Although we have returned to onsite learning after two unprecedented years of remote learning, we are still seeing the impacts of Covid 19 on student attendance.

Please contact your child’s classroom teacher or leadership if you require support in this area. Whatever the reason is, we are here to provide you with supports and conversations around transitioning your child to attending school regularly. 


We are well aware that we have all suffered through COVID, influenza and gastro and the school are grateful that you have kept you child away if they are unwell. 

Cadbury Chocolate Fundraiser

Last week we sent home information regarding our chocolate drive fundraiser. We thank our community in advance for their support in this fundraiser, and also the community Hubsters for their organisation. Please remember if you do not wish to participate in the chocolate drive, please return the form asap. All money raised will go towards our new playgrounds in the school. Every little bit helps!!


All chocolates will be given to students on Wednesday 13th July. 

Camp Opportunity

Please see a link below for information regarding a camp opportunity during these school holidays.

Prep Enrolments for 2023

If you have a child that will be attending Boronia Heights PS in 2023, we are taking enrolments NOW.  The Education Department are requesting that all Prep enrolments are completed by August 12th.  If you know anyone who would like to have further information about our school or enrol their child, please ask them to phone the school so we can talk them through the process or book a tour on our website.

Cyber Safety Project

Boronia Heights Primary School are very excited to begin a partnership with the Cyber Safety Project. The Cyber Safety Project’s mission is to provide a whole community approach focused on developing future skills, lifelong habits and self-regulation when innovating and using technologies for work, life, and play. We are looking forward to our whole school incursion in Term 3 which will provide students the opportunity to participate in an engaging and interactive workshop.


 We are also very excited to invite parents to come along to the Cyber Safety Project’s national event on Wednesday 20th July 2022. See the below flyer for further information regarding the event. Staff will also be involved in an online Cyber Safety session in the first week of Term 3 as well as all students.  If you haven’t consented for your child to attend, please go on COMPASS and complete this immediately.  Thank you for working together with us on such a vital event. Information that is introduced and delivered on the day to the students will be used in classrooms continually and referred back to students for the remainder of the year. 


Parents will need to click the registration link to express their interest and attend on the night. 


Student Celebrations

I would like to end this newsletter with a fantastic poem written by Grace Wilson in Year 6A.  Over the past few weeks, I have had the pleasure to read many poems from year 6 and this poem by Grace I thought would be very appropriate to end the term. 


The Best

If you always try your best

Then you’ll never have to wonder

About what you could have done

If you’d summoned all your thunder.


And if your Best was not as good

As you hoped it would be,

You still could say,


“I gave today

All that I had in me”

By Grace Wilson


Happy Holidays

We wish you a very safe and happy term break and look forward to seeing you all back on the first day of next term.  Please note the first day of Term 3 is Monday the 11th of July. 

Have as terrific holiday break… and take care. Remember school finishes at 2:30pm on Friday.


Leanne Jennings
