From The Principal's Desk

Dear Parents and Carers,


Winter is upon us in a major way this week with low temperatures, rain and windy conditions. It really does remind me of a traditional Ballarat winter that really chills you to the bone. Therefore, this is a timely reminder to everyone about the importance of rugging up during this time and wearing a winter uniform that includes long pants, jumper and coat. It has been great to see lots of students wearing the school beanie as well! 

Please remember that coats and beanies are for outside use only and should be removed when indoors so your child is ready for learning. Please ensure all items are named so they can be returned if misplaced.


Covid Illness and Flu Season

We have continued to ride the wave of Covid and flu related absences during the past few weeks. Our student attendance levels are down on our usual high standards, which is understandable and we appreciate the support from parents to ensure the school remains a safe and healthy place to be. Having said that, we are asking parents to not prolong absences longer than necessary, every minute at school counts. 

We continue to maintain Covid-safe procedures at school including the arrival of an extra 21 air purifiers which have been distributed across the school. School remains a safe and healthy place for all students, staff and volunteers.

We have also been witnessing increased numbers of students arriving late for school. Arriving late can be very disruptive to the learning momentum that is created during the initial stages of the day. The expectation for all students is to be at school at 8.50am ready for learning, thanks in advance for your support with this matter.

As a reminder:

  • Attendance matters - school is a safe place to be.
  • Be at school on time - school begins at 8.50am.
  • Communicate absences - if your child is absent, please contact the school office.

School Review

Student Forum in Action
Student Forum in Action

Throughout Term 2 we will be seeking feedback from students, staff and parents as part of our School Strategic Review. During each forum we will be seeking ideas about what makes Delacombe Primary School a great place to be, what could be improved and what ideas could help shape future decision making. 

We look forward to gathering this data from all key stakeholders to help us reflect on the learning journey over the past 4 years.


Education Week

Last week we celebrated Education Week across the state of Victoria.This year’s Education Week theme, ‘150 Years of Public Education’, commemorates the past, celebrates the present and imagines the future of education in Victoria.

Education Week 2022 is an opportunity for all primary and secondary schools, higher education providers, and early childhood education and care services to showcase their part in Victoria’s education story.

During the week at Delacombe Primary School, we celebrated Education Week by running the book stall and we also participated in the Simultaneous Storytelling event. Our thanks to Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs McDonald for all their work to organise these events for the students.



Reconciliation Week 

Last week we spoke at the assembly about National Sorry Day and the significance of this day in Australia’s history. We looked at the framed picture which is a copy of the speech made by Kevin Rudd in 2008. Although we can not right the wrongs of the past, the speech acknowledged that mistakes had been made which is a good place to start. 

During this week students have been discussing what Reconciliation Week means and how being inclusive must be part of the Australian fabric.

The photo highlights our Koorie Champion leader Jayden with the school captains holding the apology to the indigenous community for the wrongs of the past.

Thanks to Mrs Demee who, along with the Koorie Champions, have led the activities during the week.


Parent Liaison Group

The Parent Liaison Group met for the first time today in the staffroom. We have representation of all year levels across the school and almost one representative from each class. At this week’s get together we focussed on a number of questions to assist with the school review. We are very keen to gather parent perspectives on how the school has operated during the past 4 years and ideas for moving into the future. 

The focus questions that will be discussed include:

  • What are the strengths of Delacombe PS? 
  • What evidence do you have to support your response?
  • What are some of the challenges that Delacombe PS faces?
  • What evidence do you have to support your response?
  • What are some possibilities you see for Delacombe PS?

The Parent Liaison Group consists of:

Aileen S-C 

Breanna T

Crystal E

Emma W

Narelle D

Erin T

Dellaram J

Marnee C


Kirsty G

Kirsty B


Casey H

Tina T


Kate T

Bianca G



Delacombe’s First Principal - Barry Phelan

It was a wonderful surprise to have a visit from Barry Phelan who was Delacombe Primary School’s first principal. Barry shared a couple of wonderful stories of how Delacombe PS has grown from a few derelict portables that were placed on an empty paddock full of thistles back in 1981. A far cry from what we enjoy today. Two of our school leaders; Chloe and Afif took Barry on a tour of the school which he was very impressed with.

Thanks to Barry for taking the time to come and visit.