Principal's Report


Thank you to the parents and carers who came to school to speak with your child/ren’s teacher.

It has been great to see nearly all parents /carers taking the opportunity to discuss learning progress and next learning goals for term 3.

If you were not been able to meet the teacher –there will be an opportunity in week 1 term 3, so Mid Year Reports can be discussed and distributed.

Please contact your chil/ren’s teacher/s to make an appointment.



I am pleased to announce that our new Governing Council Chairperson is Mel Stepancich.

Mel has been a part of the HPS community since her eldest child started in Reception – he is now in Year 8.

She has been a member of Governing Council for most of those years.

Welcome too to Tammy Kuchel as Vice Chair and Treasurer.

Tammy has been part of our community since her son started in reception.

She has been an active member of Governing Council for the past 3 years.

Governing Council meet twice per term in weeks 3 and 7.

Meetings are held in the kitchen at 2:00pm.



Huge “thank you” to the Prospect Kiwanis  for hosting a group of 15 students on a day trip to Monarto Zoo on Sunday 19th of June.

Teachers nominated 2 students from their class to take part in the trip.


Students were nominated based on their positive attitude to learning at school as well as high levels of attendance and consistent demonstration of our school values of:


A wonderful day was had by all – even though it was “freezing”!

Thank you to Kelly Bria who spent the day with us.

Finlay’s recount of the day:




Our Intensive English Learning Program will begin in term 3.

We will start with 2 classes.

Maryanne Fletcher will take the senior class in room 2. Carly Price will take the JP class in room 6.

Sarah Robertson will take room 13 and Marie Sapio will return to room 14.

Our new IELP leader is Marta Cichonski. We welcome Marta to our HPS learning community.



Term 2 has been another challenge with COVID, colds and flu.

We have been quite fortunate here at HPS. As yet we have not had to close the school due to the effects of COVID.

We appreciate family support in keeping children home if they have any symptoms and notifying us if there is a positive case.

We hope you enjoy the two weeks with your children.

Stay warm and safe.

We look forward to seeing you all back on July 25th ready for a great term!




Kind regards,

Joy Keddie


Hampstead Primary School

Care, Respect, Personal Growth