Class Updates

Campfire Day
What a fabulous way to start the long weekend - a Campfire event at MDHS.
The Year 5/6 and Pre-Primary students have been learning about fire safety this term, so they had tours of the fire truck, made damper, built Mia Mias, listened to 'Looking After Country with Fire' read by Mr Moll, learned about 'Magic Fire', searched for gold, ate damper and other tasty delights and were treated to campfire songs by the fabulous Hayden Sprigg. Many thanks to Miss Bolt, Mrs Lamond, and their many helpers including Jackie Hobbs, Whispie Bayly, Joe Thompson, Hayden Sprigg, Leonie Taylor, and the Mukinbudin and Bonnie Rock DFES Volunteer units.
Book Fair
We had another successful Book Fair this year and are very thankful to our parents and community for their support of this event each year. We had some truly amazing costumes for the Book Fair Dress-up Parade. Thank you to all of the students and their parents for putting in so much effort. Thank you to Mrs Clune for setting up such a fantastic Book Fair display, 'Dive into Reading'!
Our student leaders had the privilege to attend the Halogen National Young Leaders Day at the Perth Convention Centre in week 6. The students heard from prominent leaders from all walks of life and were encouraged to bring these messages back to their school. Tim Gossage, Sports Presenter, and Gemma Houghton, former AFLW Dockers player and current Port Adelaide AFLW player were just some of the inspirational speakers they listened to. Many thanks to Mrs Nixon for organising this event, Mrs Suzi Sprigg for being the parent helper and Peter Geraghty for driving the bus.