School News

From the STEAM Lab…

Term 1

In STEAM last term the whole school had a blast experimenting and designing with all sorts of topics. Prep to Grade 2 had a lots of fun designing and creating musical instruments to bring home as their focus was learning about sound. Grade 3 and 4 have had a great time exploring heat sources, the tea bag rocket was an inspiring and fun experiment for them. They also learned how popcorn is made, ending the term on a happy note as they used popcorn boxes they made and decorated. Grade 5 and 6 both learned about light in term one, discovering how light refracts in water and using mirrors as a great way to learn about reflection. Grade 5’s learned about transparent, translucent and opaque materials and how light travels through them making sculptures. Grade 6’s had fun making houses and working on the litre of light experiment. 

By Brian & James (STEAM captains)


Education Week Open Night

The theme for Education Week this year was ‘150 Years of Public Education’, which included imagining the future of education in Victoria. The STEAM Lab took on this future theme, opening up the classroom for visitors to explore some of the fun technology and robotics we have available for students. Visitors were able to take on challenges coding the Beebots, playing piano and bongos with playdoh with our Makey Makey’s, painting with our Sphero robots along with making helicopters and balance robots. A big thank you to the STEAM captains Brian & James for the many lunchtimes they spent with me learning how to use the technology and planning the night, and to them and their families and my family for helping set-up, pack-up and run the night. Also, thanks to all the families that came along on the night to enjoy what we had on offer. As is often the case in the STEAM Lab, it was a busy evening, but everyone looked like they were having a lot of fun. 


Term 2 

In term 2 all year levels are continuing to explore physical science. Prep to Grade 2 students are exploring push and pull forces, Grade 2’s have made parachutes and the younger students have begun learning how to use our Beebots to explore this topic. Grade 3 and 4 students are learning about contact and non-contact forces, have made catapults and helicopters and are designing and creating games that use magnetic forces. Grade 5 and 6 students are learning about electricity and have enjoyed making electrical circuits, they will also be using some of our technology in the classroom to explore this topic further. 


From Ms Scarbro

It has been a pleasure getting to know all the students so far this year and teaching STEAM at Boronia Heights. Students come to the STEAM Lab with great enthusiasm, curiosity and willingness to participate in all the learning activities. The facilities, resources and technology available in the lab mean that the students have access to a range of interesting learning opportunities. The nature of STEAM learning which involves teamwork, design challenges and hands-on tasks, means it is often a loud and busy place but the engagement in what they are doing is outstanding and you can see their collaboration skills developing each lesson. Seeing their eyes light up at an experiment or demonstration and students come to excitedly tell me what they have discovered or made, or how they repeated an experiment at home and coming in at lunchtimes to learn more has been a joy to see. Keep up the great engagement in STEAM, Boronia Heights! 


Emily Scarbro

STEAM Teacher