PLT News...

Year 6


Reading:  During our Reading sessions we have been learning how to make Text to Self, Text to Text and Text to World connections with a selection of different text types.  We have also been reflecting and responding on a selection of texts that we have been reading during our whole class and Reading Group sessions.  We have also been exploring Visualising through the rich descriptive vocabulary of written texts and transferring the written text into an illustration.  This was a focus during Book Week.


Writing: During Term 3, we have been learning about different genres of Writing.  We have been focusing on Response, Review and Recount writing.  We have also investigated Procedural writing where we practised the correct structure of procedural texts and created our own procedural (how to) text of ‘How to Make a Salad Sandwich’.   Currently we have been exploring Poetry where we have already composed Cinquain Poetry, Bio Poems and Haiku Poetry.


Maths:  The Grade 6 students have been working really hard during their Maths sessions learning about adding and subtracting decimals and learning about analogue, digital and twenty four hour time.  They have also been learning about elapsed time.  Students have been deep diving into fractions, learning about common denominators and adding and subtracting fractions.  Students have also been exploring Algebra and the different operations required to solve an array of mathematical equations and problem solving.


Inquiry:  During our Inquiry sessions, students have been exploring our neighbouring Asian countries that surround Australia.  Students completed an Inquiry project into their Asian country of choice.  Students also investigated Aboriginal culture and how their culture has a positive effect on our natural environment especially around bushfires and their effect on the land and its people.  Students investigated natural disasters of their chosen Asian country of study and in Australia and how these have an effect on their country and Australia. 


Specialist Team


Students in the junior years have been having a ball in PE this term!  We have been learning a variety of popular dances, boogying along to the Macarena, YMCA, The Chicken Dance and Gangnam Style among others.  Some students wondered why we were dancing instead of doing PE.  The answer soon became obvious as we noted the physical effect that dancing was having on our bodies.  We became warm, our heartbeats rose and many of us were sweating by the end of our lesson.  In the end we could all agree that dance was in fact a physical exercise. 


More recently we have begun learning how to play tee ball.  Students have practised batting, fielding, throwing and catching with correct technique.  Playing a collaborative team game has been a fun way to learn about how to run through the bases.  It’s been wonderful to see the students celebrating the success of others with their encouraging comments, clapping and cheering.  



Term 3 has been another action packed term for PE and Sport!


Students in Years 3 to 6 started the term with our Basketball unit.  We were really lucky to have coaches/players from Casey Caveliers come and coach us for our PE lessons.  We learnt some new skills and fun games too. 


Our AFL Team made it to Regionals for the first time in Clyde Primary School history!  It was a fun journey getting to this stage, having to win Lightning Premiership, District playoff and then Division.  It was tough competition on the day, and it didn’t go our way, but the team did such a great job.  They were positive, resilient and played some really good football. We showed determination, teamwork and sportsmanship.  


On the same day as Regionals, Senior Hooptime took place at Casey Stadium.  We had 6 Basketball teams that competed and all the teams did such a fantastic job.  Well done to all the competitors. 


On Tuesday 9th August we had 26 students from Years 5 and 6 compete in the Casey Netball Tournament which was held at Casey Stadium.  There were many of the students that hadn’t played netball before or hadn’t played a lot of games.  All the players developed their skills and game play over the course of the day.  All the teams did really well.  Our Mixed team won the grand final in their pool, which was a great achievement.  Well done to all the teams and players. 


On the same day as Netball, we had STOMP Dance Company come and take each year level for a 30 mins dance session.  All the students had a great time and learnt some great new dance moves. 


On Tuesday 30th August, 50 students from Years 3-6 competed at District Athletics.  The weather wasn’t kind to us on the day, but it didn’t dampen our spirits!  Everyone had a great day and tried their best in tough conditions.  Special mention goes to Kayden  (2nd in 100m), Caleb  (1st in 200m), Oli  (3rd Shot Put), Kael  (1st in Shot Put), Aekam  (3rd in Discus) and the 11 year Old boys relay team who came 2nd – Jacob, Kael, Cooper and Kody H.  Well done to all our competitors. 


The following students will be competing at Division Athletics Wednesday 14th September at Casey Athletics track – Caleb, Kael and Kayden. Good luck!


And finally, throughout the term, each year level has taken part in Swimming lessons at KingSwim in Clyde.  Each year level has enjoyed their lessons and learnt about water safety and built on their swimming and survival skills.  There were a number of Year 6 students that completed the Victorian Safety Certificate, which is a great achievement. 


Term 4 is going to be an action packed term, with lots to look forward too!  Stay tuned for more information!



This term, students get to know their new music teacher as well as their new music space. After going through what’s in their new space, the instruments and how best we utilise our new space, student shared their interests in Music.  We learnt some basic concepts of music and experimented playing some tuned and untuned instruments.  Align with the “Book week” students explored stories narrated through music.  Students from Year 2-6 created their own flip books using pictures and sounds of music instruments to narrate a short story. It has been a terrific experience for me to see the enthusiasm and positive attitude from all students. 


Wow!  What a busy term in Art.  Students have been busy experiencing what it’s like to be a real artist painting on canvas which is culminating into a whole school gallery walk at the end of term.  Not only do students get to experience being a real artist working on canvas but they also get to experience being an audience member viewing a gallery of work and express their positive opinions on the work of others.  All thanks to the little artists of Clyde Primary School!!


Beyond that we have been working on portrait art and some classes have been focusing on the Pop Art movement using Roy Lichtenstein as inspiration.  Foundation have been making portraits using collage techniques. Year 6 have been working on their graduation portraits. That’s come around fast.  Year 4 and 5 are using Pop Art to inspire their art making.  Year 3 are making portraits of themselves as Lego people.  Year 2 are making self-portraits of themselves as Kings and Queens and Year 1 have been painting themselves as scuba divers.


Your little artists will be taking their canvases home for the holidays.  Hopefully you all have a fabulous break.