Year Seven News

Written by the Year Seven Team

Visual Arts 

Lions Club Peace Poster Art Competition

2022 Theme "Lead with Compassion"

Students in years 5 and upwards have been invited to join this years International Peace poster competition as part of our community engagement initiative. Please read details for the information that was discussed during Art classes where student's began their planning and beginning their  art entries. 

Please hand in final copies to Ms. Nishani in week 3, by Thursday the 20th October 2022.

Year 7 Exhibition 


Students in Year 7 Specialist classes created amazing artwork that was displayed at the Year 7 exhibition this week. They "wowed" their parents with their excellent speeches where they highlight their learning in the Visual Arts curriculum area. Students created Artist statements and reflections to accompany their wonderful ceramic coil pots and plasticine portraits that were put on display. The night was a huge success with both students and parents feeling very proud of their achievements in Visual Arts this year. Congratulations!

Food Technology

On Tuesday 11 October, the students held an exhibition to celebrate their learning in Food Technologies and other subject areas. It was fantastic to witness the students share their new skills and learnings with their families and to celebrate with food that they had prepared. The event was a culmination of skills the students have learnt over the past term, and their increasing development and confidence in cooking was evident in the portfolios that they shared. 


Food Tech Reflection  

By Jazz Williams and Lared Muhammad Jurial


In term 3, orange house made different recipes, such as, basic biscuits, chocolate cookies, rice risotto, Saltwater pizza and apple turnovers, which all led us to our essential recipe: rice paper rolls.

We were given a design brief: (a report or statement which is produced whenever a new product is to be created or made) to make a dish that consists of rice paper rolls that can be served on the exhibition evening.We investigated the health and safety considerations like the 4c’s of cooking, which stand for: cooking, cleaning, cross contamination, and chilling. We further looked into the knife skills required to be able to make the rice paper rolls, which were the claw grip (used for cutting smaller vegetables) and the bridge cut (used for cutting larger vegetables)

We also focused on the MYP Design Cycle to create our own versions of rice paper rolls. The Design Cycle consisted of 4 stages, those being: Inquiry and Analysis in which we made our first rice paper rolls, identifying and explaining the improvements we could make for our next batch. 

The 2nd stage, developing ideas in which we had researched different types of rice paper rolls, and in the end chose one recipe with a dipping sauce. 

The 3rd stage, creating the solution where we had made the second batch of our own unique rice paper rolls. 

And with the 4th and final stage, evaluating where we answered questions that were posed to us and investigated into occupational health and safety regulations. We had also celebrated the amazing and different recipes we had created throughout the term. Now, we can’t wait to finally make rice paper rolls to serve to our community at the night of the exhibition!


Term 3 Food Tech Review

By Alex Dorey and Charlotte Bridge


In food technology, we have been looking at the different skills and techniques it takes to improve our cooking and baking capabilities. These are our thoughts on food tech as an elective.


What was the best part of food tech?

The best part of food tech was when we discovered what new dish we would be making for the lesson. You could always have a new experience each week and learn different skills throughout it.



Would you do food tech again next year?

I would definitely choose food tech as an elective next year because of how different it is to all the other lessons and how much fun it was to do it with friends. I recommend it to anyone who has interest in learning new skills and making dishes for others.


Throughout the past few lessons, we have talked with peers and asked them about their opinions on food tech. Here are what some students had to say.



Sarah Ho.

‘Something I found enjoyable this term was the making of the chocolate chip cookies. I found the shredded coconut topping made the flavour and texture immaculate. A challenge I faced during term 3 was the overload of instructions squeezed into one step. I also found it challenging when the rice paper rolls, we made lost their shape when I rolled them.’ 



Aarav Hadimane.

‘I really liked making the Saltwater pizza creations because they were delicious due to the toppings. They consisted of: red onion, black olives, capsicum, and mozzarella and cheese. I felt that the portfolios were really challenging to write since there was so much information we needed to take down in a small amount of time leading to stress.’



Nathan Adjetey.

‘My favourite dish was the basic risotto we made in week 6 because of its unique cooking requirements and skills. The hardest part of making the risotto was stirring the rice and veggies. We had to stand stirring for over 35 minutes which became boring and tiring.’


Wood Technology 

The first weeks of Term Four, have provided the Saltwater Community with an insight of the fantastic work the Year Seven students have been completing in their Elective subjects. On the 11th of October, Saltwater P-9 College held their inaugural Electives Exhibition which showcased student learning in Elective subjects during 2022. The Exhibition provided Wood Technology students with an opportunity to share their learning of the Design Process with their families and celebrate their achievements and the display products they created. 


Wood Technology Reflections 


Molly G 

I have really enjoyed Wood Tech. Before I started, I knew none of the terminology and all I could do was use a screwdriver, a hammer and nail and sand things with sandpaper. The closest experience to making things was sanding on all my dad's jobs, so I was an amateur. This Term was focused on the design cycle and getting familiar with it. We began with health and safety, proceeding with our technical drawing and then making our boxes.


Frank Z 

Wood Tech this Term was great to say the least. I have learned a lot from this subject as I had no previous experience with wood. Such as sawing the wood, chiselling, sanding the work after it is finished, punching the nail in with a nail puncher after using hammer to hammer in the nail. I have enjoyed planning the pencil box, practicing my techniques for the final product which was my pencil box which highlighted the peak of my wood tech skills partnered with concentration and hard work.  I have improved greatly in skills compared to the start of the Term.


Bushra M-A

This Term in Wood Technology has been remarkable! I have covered several topics such as measuring, designing, unpacking the design process, following the Safe Operating Procedures and learning how to use the tools correctly. Something that I enjoyed was using the Cordless Drill and the Wood Burner because I’ve always just wanted to use a drill, but I just didn’t get the opportunity to and Wood Burning because I was able to try out my different designs. After this brilliant term in Wood Technology, I have witnessed development in my skills as I have given it my all in every lesson to produce work to the

finest of my ability.

Robotics and Coding

Students have been working hard on their presentations and portfolios for the Year Seven Exhibition. This event has showcased our students’ skills in Robotics and Coding. Students have taken an introductory course in coding in the Python programming language. They have applied the skills learnt to create their own text-based adventure game. In addition to these interactive coding projects, students have completed presentations on 3D print projects, robot building and robot coding projects. Projects ranged from a 3D printed planter to line-following robots and more!


It's always a satisfying feeling when your students present what they have learned throughout the year, and they exceed all your expectations.

Such was my experience over the past few weeks as Molly G, Jamie-Li F, Ketzya O and William T prepared their presentation for the Year 7 Exhibition.  

The content of their presentation was a summary of what they have learned in Year 7 Music covering:

  • The Periods of Music
  • Foundation of Music
  • The Circle of Fifths
  • Composition

The highlight of the presentation was their live composition exercise, where Molly created a musical backing track from scratch using GarageBand on her laptop.  The ensemble then performed the song "Dandelion" by Ruth B, with William playing on the electric guitar whilst the girls sang their parts in close harmony.  

This was a very beautiful and moving performance.    



The Year Seven Exhibition was a huge success with all students putting on an amazing presentation. The seven students who volunteered to perform did an amazing job, and represented Saltwater's Secondary College to the highest level! Students who don't always work together, combined their energies, efforts, time, dedication, and skills, and committed to the few weeks of rehearsals and delivered an amazing performance.                                                                                                                                       For some this was a huge milestone as they don't usually perform in front of a live audience at all, yet applied themselves and committed to this group performance. They were risk takers jumping out of their comfort zones to challenge themselves, while also overcoming their fears and not letting their fellow team mates down. Following their great performance they were so excited, overwhelmed and proud of this accomplishment they'd just achieved. They learnt and realised that anything is possible if you commit yourself to the task at hand, and with patience and persistence you can overcome any fear you may have. Congratulations to the amazing courageous seven students on a spectacular performance!