Year Six News 

Who can believe we are already in Term Four! The next ten weeks are going to be a very exciting time for our Year Six students as they finish off their primary school years here at Saltwater. 


This term, we have began our final unit of inquiry centred around the transdisciplinary theme ‘How We Express Ourselves.’ Our provocation had students view a series of videos which addressed issues surrounding the use of digital technology and social media. Across the upcoming weeks, students will investigate their digital footprint, the risks and benefits of the worldwide web, and develop certain skills needed to protect themselves online. 

In writing, students have been exploring persuasive blogs. Using the site EduBlog, each student has created a blog that they have been able to personalise. Students will be posting weekly about different topics inspired by our unit of inquiry using a persuasive essay structure. 

Our current maths focus is chance and probability. At the end of Term Three, students completed a pre test using Essential Assessment. Their results have helped teachers allocate students into maths focus group that target the learning goals of each individual student and assist with differentiation. So far students have been revising probability vocabulary and exploring different chance concepts. 

This week we have also relaunched our homework program. Students will receive homework every Wednesday which will need to be returned by the following Wednesday. The homework will allow students to revise skills they are learning in Reading and Maths. For Writing, students will be provided with a specific task or prompt that they will need to plan for at home in preparation for their quick writing sessions on a Thursday. Homework will be assigned through SchoolBox and a physical handout in class. 


Upcoming dates in Year Six 

  • Police Visit for Inquiry - 17th of October
  • Curriculum Day - 31st of October
  • Melbourne Cup - 1st of November
  • Remembrance day - 11th of November
  • Year Six Graduation - 8th of December
  • Year Seven Transition - 13th of December 
  • Christmas Carols - 14th of December
  • Year Six Disco - 15th of December